War in Science Fiction
31.05.-01.06.2023, Bodø (Norway)
Deadline: 31.03.2023
Space might be the “final frontier,” but the fact that humanity dreamt for a long time to reach it, does not mean that one imagined a universe without war. Nevertheless, history, without any doubt, often influenced the way war is presented in science fiction. At a two day workshop at Nord Universitet, Bodø, Norway, the organizers would like to discuss the interrelationship between war and science fiction in more detail and therefore ask scholars (all career stages) working on literature, film, or other popular media related to war and science fiction to send in proposals for papers to analyze the connection between the two—a publication of extended papers is also planned for 2024 in the series War (Hi)Stories.
We are particularly interested—although not exclusively—in the following aspects:
1. Science fiction, war, and the enemy
Who are the enemies in science fiction wars and how are they depicted? In how far do the existent semiotics resemble historical experiences or stereotypes that exist(ed) at a certain and previous moment time?
2. War and peace in science fiction
Which moral category does war fit into in science fiction? We are interested if there are any philosophical or political debates about war in science fiction, and in how far these relate or unrelate to certain moral and/or political values (e.g. democracy, peace, religion, etc.)
3. Fighting space wars
How are wars fought in science fiction? What strategies, tactics, weapon systems, resources etc. are used in violent conflicts depicted in science fiction? Could science fiction in this regard also be seen as a form of criticism of historical wars and warfare as such?
Interested scholars should send proposals (max. 300 words) and a short biography (ca. 100 words) to Miriam Jensen Tveit (miriam.tveit@nord.no) and Frank Jacob (frank.jacob@nord.no) until March 31, 2023. Limited funds are available to cover accommodation and lunch/dinner during the event—PhD students and early career scholars will be preferred with regard to funding.
Contact Info:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Jacob,
Faculty of Social Science, Nord Universitet Universitetsalléen 11, 8026 Bodø
Contact Email: