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Call for papers – Urban Mobility 2012


Faculty of Humanities in cooperation with Faculty of Public Health of Airlangga University will hold its 3rd International Conference. The main theme of the 2012 conference is “Urban Mobility: Its Impacts on Socio-Cultural and Health Issues”. The conference seeks to bring analysis in the field of humanities and health sciences to explore and redefine social relationships, religious identities, gender identities, social norms, and health issues in urban societies characterized by rapid pace of  changes.


The general objective of this international conference is to understand moving urban societies from multidisciplinary perspectives. Specifically, the objectives of the conference are:

  • to provide a forum for sharing and learning ideas, developments, and research findings on socio-cultural and health issues in the domain of urban studies.
  • to capture mobile societies more comprehensively. As this will be an interdisciplinary conference, the phenomena of these moving societies will be analyzed from different perspectives, such as from the perspectives of Cultural Studies, Literature, History, Sociology, Law, Psychology, Medicine, Public Health and others.
  • to redefine social relationships, religious identities, gender identities, and social norms of urban societies from multidisciplinary perspectives.
  • to build a collaborative partnership among universities, so that the issues which become the concerns of this conference can be discussed more elaborately.


The main theme of the conference is “Urban Mobility: Its Impacts on Socio-cultural and Health Sciences”. The program committee welcomes original contributions on the following sub-themes:

  • shifting gender and sexual identities
  • urban mobility and language variations
  • language and social changes
  • urban communities and popular cultures
  • health and life styles in urban societies
  • diseases in moving societies
  • eco awareness in urban societies
  • local traditions in urbanized societies
  • literatures, languages, and identities in cyber societies
  • religious practices in urbanized societies
  • urban space and economy


7-8 December 2012


Kantor Manajemen Universitas Airlangga (The Management Building of Universitas Airlangga)

Campus C, Jalan Mulyorejo

Surabaya – INDONESIA


Associate Prof. Catherine Driscoll (The University of Sydney, Australia), Constance Kampf, PhD (Aarhus University, Denmark), Associate Prof. Goh Beng Lan (National University of Singapore), Deny Arnos Kwary, PhD (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia), Manneke Budiman, PhD (University of Indonesia), Dr. Purnawan Basundoro (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia), Dr. Rahmat Hargono (Universitas Airlangga), Prof. Wan Zawawi Ibrahim (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)

Deadline for abstract: 20 July 2012

Notification for selected abstracts: 3 August 2012

Deadline for full papers: 5 October 2012

Please send your abstract (no more than 350 words) and a short bio-note to:

For further information, please visit our website:

Journée d’étude : « La culture du fan. Vers une nouvelle sociologie des publics? »

Journée d’étude

27 avril 2012, à partir de 9h



Maison de la Recherche

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris

Avec le soutien de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord et de l’équipe d’accueil Communication, Information, Médias (CIM) de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

9h00Accueil des participants et introduction de la journée

Maxime Cervulle (Docteur, Paris 1, UMR Institut Acte), Nelly Quemener (Docteure, King’s College, Londres, CIM) et Florian Voros (Doctorant, EHESS, IRIS)

9h15Publics et dispositifs

Mélanie Bourdaa (MCF, Bordeaux 3, MICA) : Une typologie des activités de fans : entre médiation et création

Valérie Jeanne-Perrier (MCF, CELSA Paris-Sorbonne, GRIPIC) : Les processus de sémiotisation et d’éditorialisation des activités des fans sur les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes de partage

Fabrice Lyczba (Docteur, Paris-Est Créteil, CICLAHO) : Partying Like it’s 1927 : les publics de cinéma muet comme gamers


11h00 Construction de soi et processus de légitimation

Clara Lévy (MCF, Université de Lorraine, 2L2S) : Avoir un livre de chevet : être « fan » d’un texte littéraire

Juliette Dalbavie (MCF, Lille 3, GERIiCo) : Être médiateur d’un mauvais objet de culture : le cas des fans de Mylène Farmer

Anne-Sophie Béliard (Doctorante, Paris 3, CIM) : Quelle fanitude pour quelle « sériephilie » ? Enjeux de la qualification du fan dans le processus de reconnaissance des séries télévisées


14h00Fandom, Cultural and Creative Industries

Devin Beauregard (Doctorant, University of Ottawa) : The Politicization of Fans and Fan Culture : Evidence from Fan Networks

Marsha Siefert (MCF, Central European University) : Piracy on the High C’s : Opera Fans, Recording Technology and the Artifacts of Live Performance

Luca Barra (Docteur, Università Cattolica, Milan) : Subbing, Talking Online, and Beyond. TV Fandom as a « distributor » and « translator » for US Contemporary Sitcoms

Bexy Cameron (MA, London South Bank University, Head of Creative Strategy, MySpace) : Manufacturing Fans & Teenage Brand Ambassadors


16h30Fan Studies Reloaded

Matt Hills (MCF, Cardiff University) : The Uses of Acafandom ? Towards « Proper Distance » in Fan Studies

Éric Maigret (Prof., Paris 3, CIM) : The End of Fan Studies ?

18hConclusion de la journée

Philippe Le Guern (Prof., Université de Nantes, Centre Atlantique de Philosophie et CRAL-EHESS) : Retour sur la domination des passions dominées : archéologie d’une sociologie des fans

Comité d’organisation :

Maxime CERVULLE – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et UMR Institut Acte

Nelly QUEMENER – King’s College, Londres et CIM

Florian VOROS – EHESS Paris et IRIS