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Parution : “French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest”

 Rewriting Wrongs: French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest  (Angela Kimyongür et Amy Wigelsworth, éd.), septembre 2014



Rewriting Wrongs: French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest furthers scholarly research into French crime fiction and, within that broad context, examines the nature, functions and specificity of the palimpsest. Because the practice of rewriting is so central to popular fiction as a whole, crime fiction is replete with hypertextual transformations. The palimpsest also has tremendous extra-diegetic resonance, in that crime fiction frequently involves the rewriting of criminal or historical events and scandals. This collection of essays therefore exemplifies and interrogates the various manifestations and implications of the palimpsest in French crime fiction. Continuer la lecture de Parution : “French Crime Fiction and the Palimpsest”