Archives par mot-clé : populisme

Journées d’études : Populism and national identities

Populism and National Identities

11-13 novembre 2021

Sfax, Tunisie

Échéance des propositions : le 1er  juillet 2021

Organisé par Sadok Damak and Fathi Bourmeche, The English Department and the Laboratory on Approaches to Discourse at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Université de Sfax, Tunisie,

The symposium is the second interdisciplinary event that aims to bring together scholars from all over the world to share their experiences and research on different areas related to media and cultural studies, with particular attention to populism and national identities. It is an opportunity for researchers at different stages and levels of their academic careers to exchange views and thoughts about recent trends and perspectives from various disciplines on such a controversial topic.

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