Archives par mot-clé : narrative turn

Séminaire “Recherches contemporaines en narratologie” : StoryTelling et narratologie

Séminaire « Recherches contemporaines en narratologie » : année universitaire 2020-2021/Storytelling et narratologie

Le séminaire « Recherches contemporaines en narratologie » du Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (CNRS/EHESS), organisé par Annick Louis (Université de Reims et CRAL), avec la collaboration de Philippe Roussin (CNRS, CRAL) et John Pier (Université de Tours et CRAL) se réunit tous les quinze jours, les 1er, 3e et 5e mardi du mois, de 15h à 17h, dans la Salle Lombard, rez-de-chaussée, 96, boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris.

Les séances seront enregistrées et mises en ligne une semaine plus tard.

La fin des grands récits a été suivie du tournant narratif et, plus récemment, de la plateformisation de la communication. Face à ces évolutions, le récit, pratique universelle et multiforme, s’est transformé, dans certaines de ses manifestations, en storytelling, né et répandu d’abord au sein des mondes de l’entreprise, de la politique et du journalisme, avant de se généraliser dans la vie sociale. Il constitue aujourd’hui une grande part des usages sociaux du récit. Discours qui formate l’esprit afin d’orienter les comportements, le storytelling cherche moins à représenter l’expérience humaine, à lui donner sens, qu’à convaincre son destinataire, à « tracer » son expérience. Il conduit à reconcevoir le récit et à faire dépendre son analyse de la rhétorique plus que de la poétique.

Durant cette période et encore aujourd’hui, la narratologie a évolué en suivant des voies multiples. Certains de ses courants, qui mettent particulièrement en avant les modalités de l’identification, de l’empathie, ou de l’immersion, entrent en résonance avec le storytelling boom.

Quel rôle peut aujourd’hui jouer la narratologie pour mieux appréhender le phénomène global du storytelling ? Continuer la lecture de Séminaire “Recherches contemporaines en narratologie” : StoryTelling et narratologie

Call for papers – Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification? Call for papers

ENN Conference 2013 – Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification? Call for papers

The 3rd Conference of the European Narratology Network

Organized by the Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (CRAL – CNRS/EHESS)

March 29 and 30, 2013

Pre-Conference Doctoral Seminar – March 27 and 28, 2013

Paris, France

Call for papers

Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification?

It can be observed that postclassical narratology, in its initial phase, expanded the scope of inquiry of its predecessor to become multiple, interdisciplinary, transgeneric, transmedial. More recently, it appears that narratology has entered a phase of consolidation, but with a continued trend toward diversification.

What does this consolidation consist of, and in what ways can narratology be said to diversify? Are narratologies, in the plural, evolving toward narratology, in the singular – possibly to become a discipline in the full sense of the term? Does diversification imply more double-entry narratologies, or does it, perhaps simultaneously, involve a look at the various scientific cultures underlying research programs in narrative theory, past and present, but also non-Western? As theoreticians address issues of cognition and context in narrative, in what ways should the role of poetics in narratology be rethought?

Ubiquitous, stories have encouraged narratologists to expand their purview beyond the literary corpus and take the “narrative turn,” embracing fields as diverse as psychology, sociology, ethnology, history, the law, corporate management, digital technology, and more. But whatever the universals common to all narratives, literary scholars, psychotherapists, sociologists, ethnologists, historians, jurists, advertising executives and AI experts view narrative in significantly different ways and as serving purposes that may be wholly at odds from one field to another. What, then, is the influence on narrative of genre – not necessarily in the sense of traditional literary scholarship, but possibly in that of “speech genres” (Bakhtin), those “relatively fixed forms” that bridge the gap between units of language or other signifying systems and discourse in its prolific manifestations? Then, too, is the question of narrative in non-verbal forms – the plastic arts and music – but also narrative in its pluri-medial forms.

Yet other questions arise. If, as Barthes stressed nearly half a century ago, narrative is a universal anthropological phenomenon, to what extent is it constitutive of culture? Can similar lines of inquiry be pursued with regard to homo narrans, the storytelling animal?

Such are but a few of the questions open for debate at the 3rd Conference of the ENN, hosted by the Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris on March 29 and 30, 2013.

More information (about the keynotes speakers, the workshops, the pre-conference doctoral seminar on the conference website.

Deadline for submission of proposed papers (200 words): October 15, 2012

Send submissions to the conference coordinators:  John Pier: and Philippe Roussin:

Please write “ENN Conference: Submission” in the subject line.

Acceptances will be sent out on November 15, 2012

Registration for the Conference will open on November 15, 2012

Deadline for registration: January 10, 2013

Registration fee: 165 € – Students: 85 €

In order to take part in the conference, participants must be members of the ENN.

To register as a member, please consult the ENN website – “How to join the ENN

The official languages of the Conference are English and French1.

The Conference will take place at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris:  Fondation des États-Unis – 15, bd Jourdan and Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre – 9A, bd Jourdan 75014 Paris – RER station: Cité Universitaire