Archives par mot-clé : narrative structures

CFP: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

CFP: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling 2022

4-7 December 2022

Santa Cruz, California, USA

Organized by Michael Mateas (UC Santa Cruz), David Lamas (Tallinn University), Mirjam Vosmeer (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), Lissa Holloway-Attaway (University of Skövde)

Call for papers

ICIDS is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners concerned with studying digital interactive forms of narrative from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical, technological, and applied design lenses. The annual conference is an interdisciplinary gathering that combines technology-focused approaches with humanities-inspired theoretical inquiry, empirical research and artistic expression. ICIDS 2022 is the 15th edition of the conference and will be presented as a fully hybrid event.

The theme for the conference this year is Speculative Horizons. We are motivated to consider the future and its relationship to Interactive Digital Storytelling. In our contemporary times where we are confronting global disasters, from war to pandemics, and where we are challenged by the ever-increasing impacts of climate change and the toll of other human interventions on our worlds and cultures, what can we foresee and foretell about what is next on the horizon? How can interactive digital storytelling be a call to action, a mode for healing and peace, or a method of intimate communication to help us visualize, empathize and consider what might be at stake in our worlds and how we can intervene? We aim to explore the ways that narratives, technologies, systems, cultures, and creators can situate and motivate us, attuning us to a present reality, while looking forward to an unknown and uncertain future that we may, or may not, be able to change. What should we know now to aid us in the journey forward? Continuer la lecture de CFP: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

Appel à participation : Complexity Jam

Complexity Jam – Addressing complexity with games and interactive digital narratives

21st-28th May, 2021


Game Jam organized in the context of the INDCOR COST action – Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations

Topic: Post-Pandemic Education


Bring your ideas and create a game that supports fun and engaging post-pandemic learning for students!

Join us if you are a game developer, artist, graphic designer, musician, narrative designer, writer or just simply interested in making video games or other interactive digital narratives. Continuer la lecture de Appel à participation : Complexity Jam

Parution : Virtual Reality Cinema. Narrative Tips and Techniques

Eric R. Williams, Carrie Love, Matt Love, Virtual Reality Cinema. Narrative Tips and Techniques, Routledge, 2021. 

Award-winning cine-maVRicks Eric R. Williams, Carrie Love and Matt Love introduce virtual reality cinema (also known as 360° video or cine-VR) in this comprehensive guide filled with insider tips and tested techniques for writing, directing and producing effectively in the new medium.

Join these veteran cine-VR storytellers as they break down fundamental concepts from traditional media to demonstrate how cine-VR can connect with audiences in new ways. Examples from their professional work are provided to illustrate basic, intermediate and advanced approaches to crafting modern story in this unique narrative space where there’s no screen to contain an image and no specific stage upon which to perform.

Continuer la lecture de Parution : Virtual Reality Cinema. Narrative Tips and Techniques

Parution : Following the Formula in Beowulf, Örvar-Odds saga, and Tolkien

Michael Fox, Following the Formula in Beowulf, Örvar-Odds saga, and Tolkien, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Following the Formula in Beowulf, Örvar-Odds saga, and Tolkien proposes that Beowulf was composed according to a formula. Michael Fox imagines the process that generated the poem and provides a model for reading it, extending this model to investigate formula in a half-line, a fitt, a digression, and a story-pattern or folktale, including the Old-Norse Icelandic Örvar-Odds saga. Fox also explores how J. R. R. Tolkien used the same formula to write Sellic Spell and The Hobbit. This investigation uncovers relationships between oral and literate composition, between mechanistic composition and author, and between listening and reading audiences, arguing for a contemporary relevance for Beowulf in thinking about the creative process.

Michael Fox is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Writing Studies at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. He has published on modern rhetoric, medieval Latin, and Old English.

Call for papers : Contemporary Television Series: Narrative Structures and Audience Perception

Call for chapters : Contemporary Television Series: Narrative Structures and Audience Perception


Overview of the Book:

This book seeks to provide the readers with new perspectives on the current research in Contemporary Television Series – narrative structures and audience perception.

Scope of the Book:

The study of television series is simultaneously social scientific, humanistic, and professional in orientation. Accordingly, this book welcomes submissions from scholars and practitioners in any disciplinary field. We seek contributions from researchers and practitioners in communication studies and allied fields (e.g., media studies, telecommunications, journalism, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies). Contributions may follow any methodological approach, including, but not limited to, quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, rhetorical, interpretive, case study, discourse analytic, and critical analytic approaches, among others. Submissions from both established and emerging scholars are welcomed.


Contributions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Classical and post-modern TV series;
  • Thematic TV Series (historical, medical, science fiction, medical);
  • TV Series inspired from reality;
  • Stardom, Fandom and Fan clubs related to TV series;
  • Audience reception of TV series-patterns of consumption;
  • TV series and new media;
  • Globalization in the production and distribution of TV series.

The articles should be submitted as an email attachment in MS Word to the editors with “YourLastName – TV Series” as the title. Please include a short biography and your affiliation along with the proposal. The articles (3,000-5,000 words) should adhere to APA Style.

Review and Publication Process

Articles are sent to 2 reviewers for review. The reviewers’ recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.

The deadline of submitting the articles is 1st of July 2013.

For inquiries, please contact the editors from the University of Bucharest: