Archives par mot-clé : media

Publication : "Global Media Apocalypse", Jeff Lewis

Global Media Apocalypse. Pleasure, Violence and the Cultural Imaginings of Doom, Jeff Lewis, Palgrave Macmillan


The modern world has become trapped between fantasies of infinite bliss and the prospects of total global collapse. Global Media Apocalypse explores these contrary imaginings through an evolving cultural ecology of violence. Articulated through the global media, these apocalyptic fantasies express a profoundly human condition of crisis. Paying particular attention to the role of digital and networked communication systems, Jeff Lewis presents an analysis of mediated imaginings of many of the world’s most pressing problems, including consumerism, ecological disaster, global power shifts, terrorism, refugees, borders and cultural warfare. An accessible analysis of a world teetering on the edge of systemic collapse, the book offers a powerful rendering of many of the world’s most challenging and potentially devastating problems, presenting explanations and solutions that are both original and starkly provocative.


  • Preface
  • Introduction: Out of the 9/11 Decade
  • New Media-Old Empires: Celebrity, Sex and Revolutions of Knowing
  • Under the Volcano: The Cultural Ecology of Nature
  • Hyper-Pleasure: Consumer Rituals and Transactions of Desire
  • Menace: Westernism, Media and the Cultural Ecology of Violence
  • After the Apocalypse: Refugees, Human Rights and the Global Media Future
  • Conclusion
  • Peace
  • References


Jeff Lewis is Director of the Human Security Research Program at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He has published numerous journal articles and books, including Cultural Studies, Language Wars, Bali’s Silent Crisis, and Crisis in the Global Mediasphere.

Publication of Greening the Media by Toby Miller and Richard Maxwell

Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller, Greening the Media, Oxford University Press: Greening the Media, 256 pages.

ISBN13: 978-0-19-991467-8

ISBN10: 0-19-991467-2

You will never look at your cell phone, TV, or computer the same way after reading this book. Maxwell and Miller not only reveal the dirty secrets that hide inside our beloved electronics; they also take apart the myths that have pushed these gadgets to the centre of our lives. With an astounding array of economic, environmental and historical facts, Greening the Media debunks the idea that information and communication technologies (ITC) are clean and ecologically benign. In this compassionate and sharply argued book, the authors show how the physical reality of making, consuming, and discarding them is rife with toxic ingredients, poisonous working conditions, and hazardous waste. But all is not lost. As the title suggests, Maxwell and Miller dwell critically on these environmental problems in order to think creatively about ways to solve them. They enlist a range of potential allies in this effort to foster greener media – from green consumers to green citizens, with stops along the way to hear from exploited workers, celebrities, and assorted bureaucrats. Ultimately, Greening the Media rethinks the status of print and screen technologies, opening new lines of historical and social analysis of ICT, consumer electronics, and media production.

Table of contents












  • Richard Maxwell is Professor and Chair of Media Studies at Queens College, City University of New York.
  • Toby Miller is Distinguished Professor of Media & Cultural Studies at the University of California, Riverside.

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