Archives par mot-clé : media

Médias 19 – Numapresse : Presses anciennes et contemporaines, à l’heure du numérique (Paris, 8 au 11 juin 2020)


Après un premier congrès en juin 2015, Médias 19 et Numapresse organisent une deuxième grande manifestation qui se tiendra à Paris, du 8 au 11 juin 2020, et veut faire état de la recherche actuelle sur la presse, à l’heure de la numérisation des corpus.

Le projet scientifique franco-québécois Médias 19, articulé autour de la plateforme numérique, a été le cadre de développement d’une réflexion, depuis 2011, sur les pratiques journalistiques au XIXe siècle, sur la valorisation et l’analyse des corpus, ainsi que sur l’étude du développement de la culture médiatique dans l’espace francophone. Depuis 2017, le projet scientifique international Numapresse, financé par l’Agence Nationale pour la Recherche française (, ambitionne de proposer une nouvelle histoire culturelle et littéraire de la presse française, du XIXe siècle à nos jours, en mobilisant les grands corpus de presse numérisés et les nouveaux outils de text et data mining.

Continuer la lecture de Médias 19 – Numapresse : Presses anciennes et contemporaines, à l’heure du numérique (Paris, 8 au 11 juin 2020)

Appel : Essai médiatique

Appel à communications : L’essai médiatique

Colloque international, Marne-la-Vallée, 25-27 novembre 2019

Organisatrices : Irène Langlet, EA 4120 LISAA, Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée UPEM et Chloé Ouaked, EA 1087 EHIC, université de Limoges.

Le programme « Essai médiatique », soutenu par l’EA EHIC (axe 3) de Limoges, a comporté un séminaire à la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Limoges, de 2016 à 2018 (voir Quatre universités s’associent pour organiser le colloque final d’où sera tiré un livre synthétique : UPEM, Université de Limoges, Université de Bologne et Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL).

Les propositions de communication (20-30 lignes accompagnées d’une courte notice bio-bibliographique) seront à envoyer pour le 15 février 2019 à I. Langlet et C. Ouaked

Argument: l’essai médiatique

De la forme inventée par Montaigne, l’histoire culturelle a fait naître une espèce littéraire qui se présente souvent comme un anti-genre, libre, critique, personnel, et dont on approche bien l’esprit quand on considère ces trois caractères comme en interaction continue, dans toutes les combinaisons : l’essai sera libre parce que critique, personnel donc libre, critique parce que personnel, libre donc critique… Cette intime interaction caractérise mieux l’essai qu’une définition comme « genre littéraire », qui restera toujours paradoxale avec un « anti-genre » revendiqué. Longtemps réservé au livre, le terme d’essai a migré vers d’autres supports et d’autres systèmes de signes : l’essai photographique, l’essai filmique, l’essai numérique, l’essai dessiné… Par « essai médiatique », nous entendons ainsi, avant tout, toute forme essayiste qui ne peut se comprendre sans tenir compte précisément de son support et du régime sémiotique impliqué, dans le vaste écosystème intermédial qui caractérise la culture contemporaine depuis plus d’un siècle.

Dans un deuxième sens, nous comprenons l’essai « médiatique » comme l’essai à succès, l’essai grand public, l’essai relayé par les mass-médias. En résistant à la tendance qui consiste à exclure du genre essayiste cette « pensée par gros concepts, aussi gros que des dents creuses » (Deleuze), il s’agit d’examiner sans a priori élitiste cette production d’essais de grande consommation, et de mesurer finement leur rapport à l’essai distingué, légitimé. Dans cette perspective, on pourra notamment s’interroger sur l’articulation entre l’essai et le type d’émotion qui lui est associé en examinant par exemple la récurrence de l’affect mélancolique dans la production auteuriste.

Continuer la lecture de Appel : Essai médiatique

Appel : Médias et Utopies

Rêver d’un autre monde. Médias,​ ​utopies ​et​ ​expérimentations​ ​de​ ​l’époque​ ​moderne​ ​à​ ​nos​ jours

Appel pour le congrès de la Société pour l’histoire des médias  (SPHM), qui aura lieu les 23-25 mai 2018 à l’Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.

Réponses attendues pour le 24 novembre 2017

La première édition du congrès de la Société pour l’histoire des médias les 26 et 27 mai 2016 visait à dresser un état des lieux des évolutions institutionnelles et historiographiques de l’histoire des médias depuis son émergence et à sonder les territoires d’études les plus récents.

Dans un contexte de très forte critique des médias, où ils sont notamment accusés de faire le jeu du pouvoir politique et/ou économique, cette deuxième édition vise à croiser les regards scientifiques sur les façons dont, à travers l’histoire, des médias ont au contraire pu porter l’espoir d’un changement social, en servant de supports et d’outils pour concevoir et construire un autre monde.

Aussi, cinquante ans après les événements de mai et juin 1968, la SPHM invite-t-elle les chercheuses et les chercheurs à réfléchir aux liens entre médias, utopies et expérimentations. L’appel à communications n’est pas destiné aux seul.e.s spécialistes de l’histoire des médias, l’objectif étant de faire dialoguer le plus de

Continuer la lecture de Appel : Médias et Utopies

Parution : Bernard Hinault

Bernard face à Hinault, de Bernard Hinault et Jean Cléder, Mareuil Éditions, mai 2016


Image : Tour de France, 1982

Après avoir collaboré avec l’écrivain Christian Laborde (Bernard Hinault, l’épopée du Blaireau, Mareuil Éditions), le quintuple vainqueur du Tour de France a choisi de travailler pour ce livre avec l’universitaire Jean Cléder. Maître de conférence en littérature comparée (Université Rennes 2), celui-ci travaille sur les rapports entre les arts. Il a publié notamment des ouvrages sur Patrice Chéreau, Christophe, Marguerite Duras, Michael Lonsdale.

En partenariat avec l’Université Rennes 2, le Cellam et l’Ina, ce livre augmenté (il propose des QR codes renvoyant aux courses) donne enfin au coureur la possibilité d’analyser sa carrière, de décrypter Continuer la lecture de Parution : Bernard Hinault

The Sexualization Report

The Sexualization Report

People are worried about sexualization; about children becoming sexual at too young an age; about the ways in which women may be being defined by their sexuality; and about the availability and potential effects of online pornography, to name but a few of the often repeated concerns.

This report has been compiled by Feona Attwood, Clare Bale and Meg Barker based on contributions from over thirty academic experts, drawing on research from a wide range of subject areas, including medicine, health and social care, media and communication studies, cultural studies, psychology, sociology, education, and gender & sexuality studies.

You can access the report here

The report addresses the wide range of issues relating to sex, sexuality and sexual health and wellbeing that seem to underpin public anxieties that are now commonly expressed as concerns about ‘sexualization’. These include STIs, pregnancy, addiction, dysfunction, violence, abuse, sex work, sexual practices, different forms of sexuality, medicalization, commerce, media and popular culture. It aims to summarize what is known – and not yet known – on each of the main areas of concern.

The report has been written with a range of professionals in mind; people whose job it is to inform and advise others about sex, sexuality and sexual health and who need to draw on the best possible information. This includes journalists and broadcasters, policy makers, educators, therapists and other health professionals. This is very much a living report, offering an overview of what research tells us at the moment. Our intention is to find ways of developing and expanding this, in order to offer professionals an up to date and reliable source of information about a wide range of issues relating to sex, sexuality and sexual health.

Call for papers : Mediating Cityscapes (The Hague, 27-18 September 2013)


Den Haag/The Hague

27-28 September, 2013

“If urban space has historically been defined by the relation between static structures and mobile subjects, this dichotomy is fast giving way to hybrid spatialities characterized by dynamic flows which not only dissolve the fixity of traditional modes of spatial enclosure, but problematize the unified presence of the subject traversing their contours.”

Scott McGuire, The Media City (2008)

As Scott McGuire suggests, the contemporary city is marked by a number of tensions found between fixity and flow and the resulting hybrid spatialities which are shaped by a multifarious range of mediations.  Historically, certain of these mediations, such as film, photography, music, art, and more recently, mobile and locative media, have helped shape the diverse strata which compose both the material and immaterial dimensions of the contemporary city.  In form, and as practices and discourses, they have also afforded opportunities to critically engage with and creatively intervene in the city.  As part of the annual arts festival Two Days Art, held in Den Haag, this interdisciplinary symposium will focus on creative and artistic responses to the mediated cityscape.  We encourage papers and submissions from academics, artists and practitioners that consider the multiple ways in which various media (film, music, photographic, digital, etc.), creative practices, and technologies put in to play a diverse array of encounters and interfaces that engage with, interrupt, reconstitute, or resist the hybrid spatialities which define the contemporary cityscape.

Abstracts of no longer than 250 words can be sent to:

Closing Date: Friday, June 14th 2013.

Participants will be notified by July 1st, 2013.

Geoff Stahl

Call for papers : Media Spaces of Gender and Sexuality, Media Fields Journal

CFP: Media Spaces of Gender and Sexuality

Media Fields Journal

University of California, Santa Barbara

This issue of Media Fields investigates the connections between media, space, gender, and sexuality, seeking conversations that center on these interrelations and negotiations. We invite papers that raise questions of how media spaces construct gender, and how gender, in turn, constructs media spaces; how spaces condition and are conditioned by gender performances and sexual practices; and how gender legibility limits (or allows) access to various media spaces.

Film and media scholarship historically came of age through its study of the relationship between gender, sexuality, and media. Much has been written about the status of women as objects of the cinematic gaze, as well as about the status of female and queer-identified subjects as media producers. Yet in more recent times, issues of gender and sexuality have once again become marginalized in academic discourse, revealing the need for new explorations that coincide with the impact of the “spatial turn.” In this age of conflict, dissent, surveillance, and migration—when the study of media is often also the study of the precariousness and dynamism of the spatial—it is particularly important to trace the interconnections between space, media, and gender.

We seek scholarship that deals with space in a range of ways: essays might discuss online spaces that allow for specific negotiations of gender or sexuality, or with gender embodiment in physical spaces of various scales, from the very local (the living room, for example) to the global. Essays might also draw upon feminist interventions into Marxist/historical materialist theories of space, as well as engaging the intersections between gender, race, and class. These important intersections exceed the label, “identity politics”—a label that we feel is now often deployed in order to debunk the continued relevance of gender and sexuality to any scholarly conversation. While we do indeed call for political approaches to gender and space—essays informed by the agendas of feminist and queer activism—we stress that gender and sexuality are not merely areas of special interest, but are instead structuring principles of discrimination that permeate our lives on a number of registers.

Thus, our approach is multivalent. We invite submissions that consider this complexity, possibly addressing the following topics:

  • Transnational Queer and Feminist Media: How are flows of bodies, labor, capital, and images gendered and sexualized?
  • Queering Questions of Scale: How does heterosexism delimit notions of nation, state, and the transnational?
  • Gendered Spaces of Conflict and Dissent: How do media contribute to the gendering of the different spaces of war and dissent as well as of the subjects who are involved?
  • Gender, Sexuality, and Online Spaces: How are social media practices and spaces gendered and sexualized?
  • Queer/Feminist Gaming: representations of gendered and sexualized spaces in mainstream video games, gendered geographies of video game production,  gendered spaces of gaming culture
  • Spaces of Surveillance: How is surveillance fundamentally gendered, sexualized, and spatialized? How does voyeurism continue to bolster certain experiences of space and place?
  • Gendered Infrastructures: How are media infrastructures gendered, and why does this matter?
  • Gender, Sexuality and Access: How do gender and its legibility (e.g., normativity) result in certain types of access to particular spaces?

We are looking for essays of 1500-2500 words, digital art projects, and audio or video interviews exploring the relationship between gender, sexuality, and space. We encourage approaches to this topic from scholars in cinema and media studies, anthropology, architecture, art and art history, communication, ecology, geography, literature, musicology, sociology, and other relevant fields.

Feel free to contact issue co-editors, Hannah Goodwin and Lindsay Palmer, with proposals and inquiries.

Email submissions, proposals, and inquiries to by May 30th, 2013.

Parution : Questions de communication, n° 18, « Les non-usagers des TIC »

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la mise en ligne gratuite de la livraison n° 18 de la revue Question de communication, Dossier Les non-usagers des TIC , Kellner C., Massou L., Morelli P., (dir.)

Les non-usagers des TIC
Sous la direction de Catherine Kellner, Luc Massou et Pierre Morelli


Notes de recherche

Notes de lecture

Numéro complet :

Publication : "Controversial Images. Media Representations on the Edge", Feona Attwood, Vincent Cambell, I. Q. Hunter, Sharon Lockyer


The media are inextricable from controversy yet ‘controversy’ is an under-theorized term in studies of the media, even though controversies over specific images, from ‘video nasties’ to snapshots from Abu Ghraib, have structured our understanding of the media’s power, seductiveness and dangers. This collection offers a series of case studies of recent media controversies and draws on new perspectives in cultural studies to consider a wide variety of types of image, including newspaper cartoons, advertising and fashion photography, music videos, photojournalism, news media, art works, hardcore porn film, anime, horror and exploitation movies, video games, and YouTube reaction videos. In the current climate when images appear to be increasingly controversial, it is important that media controversies are not made the excuse for greater censorship and the demonization of ‘dangerous’ images and the audiences that consume them. The case studies in this book suggest how we might achieve a more subtle understanding of controversial images and negotiate the difficult terrain of the new media landscape.


Introduction: Controversy and the Crisis of the Image; Feona Attwood, Vincent Campbell, I.Q.Hunter & Sharon Lockyer


  • Media-Bodies and Photoshop; Meredith Jones
  • Representation and Resemblance in The Case of the Danish Cartoons; Catherine Ann Collins & David Douglass
  • Imitation and Controversy: Performing (Trans)Sexuality in Post-communist Bulgaria; Plamena Kourtova
  • X-Ray Visions: Photography, Propaganda and Guantánamo Bay; Bruce Bennett


  • ‘The Terrorists with Highlights’: Kurdish Female Suicide Bombers in Mainstream Turkish Media; Ertug Altinay
  • Constructing Effects: Disturbing Images and the News Construction of ‘media influence’ in the Virginia Tech Shootings; Jeremy Collins
  • Border Patrol: Trevor Brown, Aesthetics and the Protection of Fictitious Children; Adam Stapleton
  • ‘The Following Content Is Not Acceptable’; Julian Petley


  • Cutting Edge: Violence and Body Horror in Anime; Caroline Ruddell
  • ‘It’s Gonna Hurt a Little Bit. But That’s Okay – It Makes My Cock Feel Good’: Max Hardcore and the Myth of Pleasure; Stephen Maddison
  • The Lexicon of Offense: The Meanings of Torture, Porn, and ‘Torture Porn’; Steve Jones
  • The Beast Within: Materiality, Ethics and Animal Porn; Susanna Paasonen


  • Embracing Rape: Understanding the Attractions of Exploitation Movies; Martin Barker
  • His Soul Shatters at About 0:23: Spankwire, Self-Scaring and Hyberbolic Shock; Julia Kennedy & Clarissa Smith
  • Playing with Controversial Images in Videogames: The Terrorist Mission Controversy in ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’; Vincent Campbell
  • ‘A Bad Taste Business’: TV Journalists Reflect on the Limits of News Images; Paul Brighton

More information :

Publication : "Culture and the Media", Paul Bowman

Culture and the Media looks at the relationship between what we term ‘media’ and ‘culture’, asking the question: where does one end and the other begin? Written in a lively and accessible style, this book introduces and contextualises the range of different approaches to the study of both of these fields.

Using a lively range of examples and case studies – including moral panics in the British media around punk rock in the 1970s, critiques of consumerism in the films Fight Club and American Psycho, and the YouTube-captured ‘violence’ of protests against student fees – Culture and the Media shows how theoretical and disciplinary debates over the meaning of the media and culture relate to our everyday cultural experiences.


– Introduction

– Chapter 1: Culture is (not) the Media

  • ‘Culture and the Media?’ What and the What?
  • Familiar Impossible Terms
  • Discourse
  • The Extremities of Culture
  • (Un)Popular Culture
  • Barbarian, Philistine and Popular Culture
  • Culture versus the Media
  • Culture as Media
  • The Disagreement of Culture

– Chapter 2: Media is (not) the Culture

  • Media (and) Messages
  • Interconnectedness, V.1
  • Interconnectedness V.2
  • Interconnectedness V2.1 (Supplement)
  • Shop Around
  • Media and Cultural Agency
  • Interconnectedness V3: Disconnectedness

– Chapter 3: Media Representation and its Cultural Consequences

  • Editing Culture: From trivia to tradition
  • Mediatized Ideas, Mediatized Bodies
  • Mediatized Politics
  • Violent Demonstration: A Mediatized Logic
  • Demonstrations of Violence
  • Playing War Games

– Chapter 4: Filming Culture

  • Post-Cinematic Effects
  • Classic Cinematic Effects
  • Media Culture and Coercive Mimeticism

– Conclusion: The Tangled Web


Paul Bowman is Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Cardiff University, UK. His previous books include Deconstructing Popular Culture, Interrogating Cultural StudiesPost-Marxism versus Cultural Studies and The Truth of Žižek.

More information :