Archives par mot-clé : instapoetry

COLLOque: Read, (Re)Write and Share: Old AND New Practices of Signification

Read, (Re)Write & Share: Old & New Practices of Signification

16-17 juin 2021

Plateforme Zoom 

Organisé par Federica Ambroso, Mattia Arioli, Simone Carati, Gabriella Elina Imposti, Elena Lamberti, Luca Marzolla, Michele Morselli, Susanna Scavello, Andrea Suverato (LiLeC, University of Bologna) 

In the era of social media, our societies experience a proliferation of new practices of reading, (re)writing and sharing, which gradually reshape the literary, artistic, and cultural landscape.

Which challenges these processes of resemanticization do take up? Which differences and analogies can be found, by looking at the various historical and cultural contexts involved?

This conference’s purpose is to stimulate a wide-ranging debate on these topics, spanning from medieval to contemporary age and embracing a multiplicity of disciplinary domains.

The graduate conference will be held online: you can access it here (no registration required).

The conference will be held in Italian, English, French and Spanish. 

Continuer la lecture de COLLOque: Read, (Re)Write and Share: Old AND New Practices of Signification