Archives par mot-clé : grande-bretagne

Parution : Rewind, Replay. Britain and the Video Boom, 1978-92 (Johnny Walker)

Johnny Walker, Rewind, Replay. Britain and the Video Boom, 1978-92, Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 

Charts the introduction and rise of video entertainment in Britain from the launch of Betamax and VHS in 1978 to the development of the video superstore in the early 1990s. 

  • Presents the first book dedicated to Britain’s video boom
  • Considers the development of the video distribution industry in the UK, identifying the key players
  • Appraises the development of video shops and clubs, from the late 1970s to arrival of Blockbuster

Rewind, Replay is the first history of Britain’s video boom. It considers the earliest video distributors who, from the late 1970s, took chances on a wide range of films and other programmes to attract consumer interest. It also addresses the phenomenon of the video shop, the speed with which video rental became a habitual practice among the British public, and the key industry players who, at the height of a recession, invested wholesale into what contemporaneous media reportage was describing as a mere ‘plaything’.

Media historian Johnny Walker explores how distributors and store owners navigated various pressures including piracy, the video nasties moral panic and market rationalisation, as well as significant developments including the introduction of new legislation bespoke to the video medium and the corporate expansion of the industry in the late 1980s and early 1990s, to show how the pre-recorded videocassette, over the course of a few years, became a staple of high street retail.

Continuer la lecture de Parution : Rewind, Replay. Britain and the Video Boom, 1978-92 (Johnny Walker)

Parution : Human Evolution and Fantastic Victorian Fiction (Anna Neill)

Anna Neill, Human Evolution and Fantastic Victorian FictionRoutledge, 2021

Following the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Victorian anthropology made two apparently contradictory claims: it distinguished “civilized man” from animals and “primitive” humans and it linked them though descent. Paradoxically, it was by placing human history in a deep past shaped by minute, incremental changes (rather than at the apex of Providential order) that evolutionary anthropology could assert a new form of human exceptionalism and define civilized humanity against both human and nonhuman savagery.

This book shows how fantastic Victorian and early Edwardian fictions—utopias, dystopias, nonsense literature, gothic horror, and children’s fables—untether human and nonhuman animal agency from this increasingly orthodox account of the deep past. As they imagine worlds that lift the evolutionary constraints on development and as they collapse evolution into lived time, these stories reveal (and even occupy) dynamic landscapes of cognitive descent that contest prevailing anthropological ideas about race, culture, and species difference.

Continuer la lecture de Parution : Human Evolution and Fantastic Victorian Fiction (Anna Neill)

Parution : Policiers romantiques (André-Marc Aymé)

André-Marc Aymé, Policiers romantiques. Anthologie des premiers héros policiers, L’Harmattan, coll. “Noir”, 2021.

Policiers romantiques réunit des enquêtes des premiers héros policiers de fiction.
Au début du XIXe siècle, en matière de justice, ce sont plutôt des personnages criminels qui sont à l’honneur. Mais quelques auteurs populaires _ anglais _ vont oser donner à un policier le rôle principal. Les voici, ces premiers héros policiers, des types ordinaires avec un métier et des aventures hors-normes, en contact avec toutes les classes sociales, risquant leur vie pour la bonne cause, la protection de la société, l’arrestation des hors-la-loi. Les voici réunis ici, enquêtant, poursuivant, déguisés ou infiltrés, jouant des poings ou des armes, à Londres ou à Paris, héros modernes avant l’heure.

André-Marc Aymé, né en 1959 à Niort, se présente comme archéologue du polar. Policiers romantiques est le premier volume d’une série présentant le résultat de ses fouilles.

Parution : The Press and the People. Cheap Print and Society in Scotland, 1500-1785

Adam Fox, The Press and the People. Cheap Print and Society in Scotland, 1500-1785, Oxford University Press, 2021. 

The Press and the People is the first full-length study of cheap print in early modern Scotland. It traces the production and distribution of ephemeral publications from the nation’s first presses in the early sixteenth century through to the age of Burns in the late eighteenth. It explores the development of the Scottish book trade in general and the production of slight and popular texts in particular. Focusing on the means by which these works reached a wide audience, it illuminates the nature of their circulation in both urban and rural contexts. Specific chapters examine single-sheet imprints such as ballads and gallows speeches, newssheets and advertisements, as well as the little pamphlets that contained almanacs and devotional works, stories and songs. The book demonstrates just how much more of this literature was once printed than now survives and argues that Scotland had a much larger market for such material than has been appreciated. By illustrating the ways in which Scottish printers combined well-known titles from England with a distinctive repertoire of their own, The Press and the People transforms our understanding of popular literature in early modern Scotland and its contribution to British culture more widely.

Adam Fox is Professor of Social History at the University of Edinburgh, where he has taught since 1994. His works include the prize-winning Oral and Literate Culture in England 1500-1700 (Oxford University Press, 2000).

Parution : Agatha Christie. Le droit apprivoisé

Nicolas Bareït, Agatha Christie. Le droit apprivoisé, Paris, Classiques Garnier, “Esprit des Lois, Esprit des Lettres” n°12, 2020.

L’œuvre d’Agatha Christie peut donner lieu à une lecture juridique, car l’auteur y déploie une véritable poétique du droit. Le procès, le couple et la mort sont les trois motifs à la fois littéraires et juridiques qui participent à la structuration de son imaginaire et lui confèrent sa singularité. Continuer la lecture de Parution : Agatha Christie. Le droit apprivoisé

Appel à contributions : Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic: Edited Collection

Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic: Edited Collection, Call for Papers

Famed for their scandalous content and supposed pernicious influence on a young readership, it is little wonder why the Victorian penny dreadful was derided by critics and, in many cases, censored or banned. These serialised texts, published between the 1830s until their eventual decline in the 1860s, were enormously popular, particularly with working-class readers. As Judith Flanders has highlighted in The Invention of Murder(2011), for every publisher of “respectable fiction”, there were ten for penny fiction. However, despite their evidential popularity, these texts have fallen into obscurity; this could be accounted for perhaps due to their ephemeral nature with many titles being lost or incomplete, alternatively this could be the effects of literary criticisms from writers such as Charles Dickens and James Greenwood overspilling into contemporary scholarship. Neglecting these texts from Gothic literary criticism creates a vacuum of working-class Gothic texts which have, in many cases, cultural, literary and socio-political significance. This collection aims to redress this imbalance and critically assess these crucial works of literature.

Continuer la lecture de Appel à contributions : Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic: Edited Collection

Parution : La Littérature des mystères : poétique historique d’un succès médiatique en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne

Filippos Katsanos, La Littérature des mystères : poétique historique d’un succès médiatique en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne, coll. « Médiatextes », Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2020.

Suite au succès commercial des Mystères de Paris (1842-1843) d’Eugène Sue, les marchés littéraires de nombreux pays ont été saturés par un nombre incalculable d’ouvrages qui proposaient d’infinies variations sur le titre du romancier français : Les Mystères de Londres, Les Mystères d’Athènes, Les Mystères de Marseille, Les Mystères de Constantinople etc.

En s’intéressant à la réception du célèbre roman de Sue et à l’essor de cette « littérature des mystères » dont il a été à l’origine en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne, cette étude s’interroge sur la place qu’il convient d’accorder, dans l’histoire littéraire, à ce phénomène éditorial qui promettait aux lecteurs de leur révéler, de façon aussi compulsive qu’exhaustive, tous les secrets du monde. Continuer la lecture de Parution : La Littérature des mystères : poétique historique d’un succès médiatique en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne

Appel : “Séries télévisées britanniques”

JE « TV Series : so British or so American ? »

vendredi 29 mars 2019

Université de Rouen (ERIAC et GUEST-Normandie)

Co-organisé par Florence Cabaret, Sébastien LeFait et Hélène Machinal

Laboratoires associés : HCTI, UBO et TransCrit, Paris 8

Appel pour le 20 décembre 2018

Cette journée s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un travail plus vaste sur les séries britanniques et nous aimerions lancer ce travail pluriannuel avec une approche comparative susceptible de faire émerger des éléments saillants de la culture sérielle britannique. Le but sera ensuite de creuser les particularismes qui se seront détachés lors de nos premiers échanges. Pour cette journée d’études, nous souhaiterions donc examiner les séries britanniques à l’aune de leur concurrent principal, qui se trouve être également, du fait de certains liens évidents, leur plus proche parent : les séries américaines, indissociables d’un modèle hégémonique et mondialisé. Afin d’explorer ce qui pourraient être des spécificités plus particulièrement britanniques dans l’univers des séries dites « anglo-saxonnes », nous voudrions mobiliser différents types de comparaisons, à des niveaux différents :

Continuer la lecture de Appel : “Séries télévisées britanniques”

Parution: Finding the Plot

Finding the Plot: Storytelling in Popular Fictions
Editor: Diana Holmes, David Platten, Loïc Artiaga and Jacques Migozzi

Date Of Publication: Jan 2013
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-4238-9
Isbn: 1-4438-4238-9
“Plot”, writes Peter Brooks, “is so basic to our very experience of reading, and indeed to our articulation of experience in general, that criticism has often passed it over in silence…” (Reading for the Plot, xi). Finding the Plot both explores and helps to redress this critical neglect. The book brings together an international group of scholars to address the nature, effects and specific pleasures of consuming stories. If the central focus is on France and popular literary fiction, the book’s scope – like contemporary fiction itself – observes no national frontiers, and extends across a variety of media. The book addresses both the empirical question of which genres and types of text have been and are most “popular”, and the theoretical questions of how plots work, what pleasures they offer to readers, and why it matters that the plot should not be lost.

Diana Holmes is Professor of French at the University of Leeds. Her published work on women writers includes monographs on Colette, Rachilde, French Women Writers 1848–1994 and romance. She is also the co-author of a study of Truffaut’s cinema, and co-edits the Manchester University Press series French Film Directors. Her current research is on the poetics and practice of middlebrow fiction.

David Platten is Professor of Modern French Studies at the University of Leeds. He has published on a wide range of modern French writers, including Michel Tournier, Philippe Djian, Jorge Semprun and Jules Verne. His most recent book, published by Rodopi in 2011, is entitled The Pleasures of Crime: Reading Modern French Crime Fiction. A scholar and fan of detective and crime fiction, he has recently produced studies of the literary thriller and of the links between the media and politics in the contemporary crime novel.

Loïc Artiaga is Assistant Professor at the University of Limoges, and Associate Researcher of the Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines). He is a member of the executive committee of the LPCM (Association internationale des chercheurs en Littératures Populaires et Cultures Médiatiques). His publications include “Des Torrents de papier” in Médiatextes, and “James Bond: modes d’emploi (1965 – années 1990)”, in James Bond (2)007: Anatomie d’un mythe populaire. His forthcoming book, Fantômas. Figure mythique, with Matthieu Letourneux, is due out in 2013.

Jacques Migozzi is Professor of French Literature at the University of Limoges, and President of the Association internationale des chercheurs en Littératures Populaires et Culture Médiatique. His more recent publications include “Boulevards du populaire” (Médiatextes, 2005); two co-edited special issues of journals; “Storytelling: opium du peuple et / ou plaisirs du texte?” in a special issue of French Cultural Studies; and “Cet obscur objet du désir universitaire: coup d’oeil dans le rétroviseur sur 15 ans de recherches sur les fictions populaires” in Fictions populaires.

Parution: Humoresques, n°36, Humour "anglais"

Humoresques, n°36, automne 2012 : Humour “anglais”

Textes réunis par Corinne François-Denève

Prix 13EUR

Corinne François-Denève
Every man in his humour : sur la piste de l’humour « anglais » 5
Nelly Feuerhahn
Ronald Searle, un humour graphique anglais 27
Norbert Elias (traduit de l’allemand par Wolf Feuerhahn)
Le Sense of Humour 57
Wolf Feuerhahn
Humours nationaux : le regard situé de Norbert Elias 67
Pierre Troullier
Entre héritage latin et invention du nonsense, la poésie satirique
de John Skelton (c. 1460-1529) 83
Virginie Iché
Le Nonsense et ses jeux de mots (in)traduisibles
Le cas d’Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 99
Françoise Dupeyron-Lafay
L’humour anglais aux xixe et xxe siècles
Approche culturelle et stylistique 113
Laetitia Pasquet
L’humour dans le théâtre anglais contemporain :
pour une éthique de la poétique 127
Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat
L’humour de Tristram Shandy et ses adaptations
graphique et cinématographique 145
Jérémy Houillère
La série télévisée The Office et l’Amérique du Nord :
un humour fragile 161