Archives par mot-clé : gothic

Appel : Monographs and edited collections for the new horror series “Terror: Estudios Criticos”

Call for Proposals of Monographs and Edited Collections for the new Horror Series “Terror: Estudios Críticos”, publication in 2026.

Date limite de soumission : 31 décembre 2025

The University of Cadiz (Spain) is happy to present you the call for papers for the first-ever book series on Horror Studies in Spain: “Terror: Estudios Críticos.” The volumes (one per year) in the series will deal with research and analysis of horror in any media: cinema, literature, video games, comics, etc. Any theoretical framework is welcome, including history, sociology, gender studies, philosophy, ecology, trauma studies, adaptation studies, etc. All the proposals must be in Spanish and the collection focuses on global horror in any era. We are currently looking for our 2026 publication.

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Appel : Virtual Queer Horror Conference

8 février 2025
University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA).
Date limite de soumission des propositions : 8 décembre 2024.

From Gothic monstrosity in the 18th century to “kill your queers” in the 21st; from repression to the legacies of violence, rage, and trauma; from creating safe, often beautiful spaces to discuss fear and dread to the “death perception” that comes with a close, long, and personal knowledge of decay, destruction and the impact of time…queerness has been intimately associated with horror from the earliest iteration of the genre. 

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Appel à contributions : Gothic Technologies (revue Between)

Gothic Technologies

Revue Between XV.29 (mai 2025)

Date d’échéance : 30 septembre 2024

Sous la direction d’ Anna Chiara Corradino (University of Potsdam), Massimo Fusillo (Scuola Normale Superiore), et Marco Malvestio (University of Padua).

Texte de l’appel :

Historically, there has been a profound connection between the Gothic and technology: first, because of the Gothic’s ability to theorize its risks and ambiguities (as in Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s seminal Frankenstein, 1818); and second, because it is through up-to-date technological solutions that the Gothic began to populate the stage, initially in the form of dramas (as in Matthew Lewis’s The Castle Spectre, 1797) and later in popular shows like phantasmagorias. Moreover, the emergence of new communication technologies, such as the telegraph, the radio, and the telephone, is strictly tied to the development of spiritualism, and thus to contemporary manifestations of the ghost story genre. Continuer la lecture de Appel à contributions : Gothic Technologies (revue Between)

Appel à contributions : The Ecogothic as a Catalyst of Climate Energy: The Impact of Monstrosity

Échéance des propositions : 1er décembre 2023

Organisation :
Imelda Martín Junquera (ULE) GIECO-Franklin/UAH
Miriam López Santos (ULE) GEHUMECO

Ecogothic appeared for the first time in 2013 with the publication of the homonymous volume edited by Andrew Smith and William Hughes. The introduction points out that their volume is “the first to explore the Gothic theories of ecocriticism” (1). In this collection, ecogothic appears as a new mode, a theoretical approach which can be used to analyze written and visual texts. The different chapters focus on classic gothic texts such as Ann Radcliffe’s or Matthew Lewis’ but also contemporary ones like Margaret Atwood’s The MaddAdam Trilogy. This is because they trace the origins of ecologically concerned Gothic to Romanticism, thus rejecting its appearance due to the current environmental climate emergency.

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Parution : The Palgrave Handbook of Steam Age Gothic

Clive Bloom, The Palgrave Handbook of Steam Age Gothic, Palgrave Macmilan, 2021. 

By the early 1830s the old school of Gothic literature was exhausted. Late Romanticism, emphasising as it did the uncertainties of personality and imagination, gave it a new lease of life. Gothic—the literature of disturbance and uncertainty—now produced works that reflected domestic fears, sexual crimes, drug filled hallucinations, the terrible secrets of middle class marriage, imperial horror at alien invasion, occult demonism and the insanity of psychopaths. It was from the 1830s onwards that the old gothic castle gave way to the country house drawing room, the dungeon was displaced by the sewers of the city and the villains of early novels became the familiar figures of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dracula, Dorian Grey and Jack the Ripper. After the death of Prince Albert (1861), the Gothic became darker, more morbid, obsessed with demonic lovers, blood sucking ghouls, blood stained murderers and deranged doctors. Whilst the gothic architecture of the Houses of Parliament and the new Puginesque churches upheld a Victorian ideal of sobriety, Christianity and imperial destiny, Gothic literature filed these new spaces with a dread that spread like a plague to America, France, Germany and even Russia. From 1830 to 1914, the period covered by this volume, we saw the emergence of the greats of Gothic literature and the supernatural from Edgar Allan Poe to Emily Bronte, from Sheridan Le Fanu to Bram Stoker and Robert Louis Stevenson. Contributors also examine the fin-de-siècle dreamers of decadence such as Arthur Machen, M P Shiel and Vernon Lee and their obsession with the occult, folklore, spiritualism, revenants, ghostly apparitions and cosmic annihilation. This volume explores the period through the prism of architectural history, urban studies, feminism, ‘hauntology’ and much more. ‘Horror’, as Poe teaches us, ‘is the soul of the plot’.  

Clive Bloom is Emeritus Professor at Middlesex University, UK. He has written numerous books on popular literature, gothic fiction, history and politics. He is a broadcaster and occasional journalist who has been quoted in both the Washington Post and Pravda and has an entry in the Columbia Book of World Quotations.

Appel à contributions : Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic: Edited Collection

Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic: Edited Collection, Call for Papers

Famed for their scandalous content and supposed pernicious influence on a young readership, it is little wonder why the Victorian penny dreadful was derided by critics and, in many cases, censored or banned. These serialised texts, published between the 1830s until their eventual decline in the 1860s, were enormously popular, particularly with working-class readers. As Judith Flanders has highlighted in The Invention of Murder(2011), for every publisher of “respectable fiction”, there were ten for penny fiction. However, despite their evidential popularity, these texts have fallen into obscurity; this could be accounted for perhaps due to their ephemeral nature with many titles being lost or incomplete, alternatively this could be the effects of literary criticisms from writers such as Charles Dickens and James Greenwood overspilling into contemporary scholarship. Neglecting these texts from Gothic literary criticism creates a vacuum of working-class Gothic texts which have, in many cases, cultural, literary and socio-political significance. This collection aims to redress this imbalance and critically assess these crucial works of literature.

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Victorian Encounters and Environments

12th Annual VPFA Conference
‘Victorian Encounters and Environments’
15-17th July 2020
University of Greenwich, London


The Victorian Popular Fiction Association is dedicated to fostering interest in understudied popular writers, literary genres and other cultural forms, and to facilitating the production of publishable research and academic collaborations amongst scholars of the popular.

We invite a broad, imaginative and interdisciplinary interpretation on the topic of ‘Victorian Encounters and Environments’ and its relation to any aspect of Victorian popular literature and culture which addresses literal or metaphorical representations of the theme. Inter- and multidisciplinary approaches are welcome, as are papers which address poetry, drama, global literature, non-fiction, visual arts, historical and social contexts. Papers addressing works from the “long Victorian period” (i.e. before 1837 and after 1901) are also welcome.

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