Archives par mot-clé : Détective

Conférence : Out of the past, translating historical crime fiction (Boris Dralyuk)

Conférence de Boris Dralyuk (Université de Tulsa), Professeur invité à l’université de Nanterre : “Out of the past, translating historical crime fiction”

7 novembre 2024 à 17h30

Université de Nanterre, Bâtiment Ida Maier (V), Salle V R13

Organisé par le Centre de Recherches Anglophones (CREA, EA 370)

Poète, traducteur, critique littéraire et professeur à l’Université de Tulsa (USA), Boris Dralyuk été récompensé à de nombreuses reprises pour ses traductions du russe à l’anglais, traduisant les œuvres de grands noms de la littérature russe comme Anton Tchekhov et Léon Tolstoï, ou encore Isaac Babel, natif d’Odessa comme lui. Il a aussi contribué à la diffusion d’auteurs russophones contemporains de renom comme Maxime Ossipov et Andreï Kourkov. Il est professeur invité du CREA (Centre de Recherches Anglophones) en novembre 2024.

Continuer la lecture de Conférence : Out of the past, translating historical crime fiction (Boris Dralyuk)

Parution : Contemporary European Crime Fiction (dir. M. Dell’Asta, J. Migozzi, F. Pagello, A. Pepper)

Monica Dell’Asta, Jacques Migozzi, Frederico Pagello, Andrew Pepper, Contemporary European Crime Fiction, Palgrave McMillan, 2023.

This book represents the first extended consideration of contemporary crime fiction as a European phenomenon. Understanding crime fiction in its broadest sense, as a transmedia practice, and offering unique insights into this practice in specific European countries and as a genuinely transcontinental endeavour, this book argues that the distinctiveness of the form can be found in its related historical and political inquiries. It asks how the genre’s excavation of Europe’s history of violence and protest in the twentieth century is informed by contemporary political questions. It also considers how the genre’s progressive reimagining of new identities forged at the crossroads of ethnicity, gender, and sexuality is offset by its bleaker assessment of the corrosive effects of entrenched social inequalities, political corruption, and state violence. The result is a rich, vibrant collection that shows how crime fiction can help us better understand the complex relationship between Europe’s past, present, and future.

Seven chapters are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Table ronde : Eclectic Detective & Noir Fiction in French (en ligne)

The Henri Peyre French Institute and the Ph.D. Program in French
at The Graduate Center of CUNY are hosting the virtual roundtable:

Eclectic Detective & Noir Fiction in French

Friday February 11th, 2022, 12:30 PM-2:30 PM (New York) / 6:30-8:30 PM (Paris)

What is crime and noir fiction? Qu’est-ce que le polar? Within the genre of detective fiction this question comes back repeatedly, as if it were almost impossible to grasp the concept of detective fiction, and the field itself.

Since the 1980s, French and Francophone noir and detective fiction have not only experienced an important level of generic hybridity, as Natacha Levet argued in “Le roman noir contemporain : hybridité et dissolution génériques” but keep reinventing themselves under new forms. Florence Aubenas’ L’inconnu de la Poste (2021), a nonfiction true crime narrative, is one its latest and unexpected variations. During this roundtable we will examine and address a range of new trends and their recent developments in the field of detective fiction and the crime story in French Studies. The event will include presentations from an international pool of early career scholars based in Belgium, France, Ireland, and the United States, working on topics related to detective, crime and noir fiction in French studies.

Please join us Friday February 11th 2022 at 12:30 pm (EST) / 6:30 pm (CET) 

Continuer la lecture de Table ronde : Eclectic Detective & Noir Fiction in French (en ligne)

Appel à contributions : Narratives of Mobility: The Transnational and Transculutral Turn in European Crime Fiction (Scritture migranti)

“Narratives of Mobility: The Transnational and Transculutral Turn in European Crime Fiction”

Scritture migranti

Deadline : May 31 2021

Publication anticipated in January 2022

Edited by Maurizio Ascari, Silvia Baroni, Sara Casoli

This issue of Scritture migranti (15/2021) aims to investigate a phenomenon that is highly characteristic of contemporary crime fiction on a global level: the representation and thematization of multiculturalism, international mobility, and transcultural identities. Thanks to its transnational circulation and its aptitude to highlight social and political issues throughout the lens of the investigation, crime fiction offers a privileged perspective through which to observe the encounters and the conflicts associated with social and cultural mobility. Moreover, the critical reflections on the connections between social norms and otherness expressed in crime fiction encourage also to take into consideration the mobility of the genre itself in terms of genre-blending.

In particular, we aim at analysing authors and characters whose transnational and multicultural perspective epitomizes an alienating gaze questioning the social norms of hegemonic groups. Describing mobility across national borders and cultural contexts, these figures suggest alternative readings of the society in which they live, and thus reflect on notions such as “cultural identity”, “integration”, and “transnationality”. 

Continuer la lecture de Appel à contributions : Narratives of Mobility: The Transnational and Transculutral Turn in European Crime Fiction (Scritture migranti)

Appel à Propositions : Historical Crime Fiction, Theme issue of Clues: A Journal of Detection

Historical Crime Fiction

Theme issue of Clues: A Journal of Detection

Guest editor: Rosemary Erickson Johnsen (Governors State University)

Proposal deadline: November 1, 2020

Historical crime fiction, or detective fiction using historical settings, has long been an important strand of the mystery genre. Well-placed to provide pleasures similar to armchair tourism combined with the potential to convey historical knowledge through the crime fiction’s focus on the quotidian amidst larger cultural landscapes, over the decades historical crime fiction has ranged from the whimsical to the didactic, offering insight into the author’s own time period and that of the historical setting. This theme issue of Clues seeks to explore the richness of historical crime fiction written in, and about, any time period. Topics of interest might include the following: Continuer la lecture de Appel à Propositions : Historical Crime Fiction, Theme issue of Clues: A Journal of Detection

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Female Detective on TV

CFP: The Female Detective on TV

Deadline for submissions: May 30, 2020
Full name / name of organization: MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture
Contact email:

URL de référence

MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture invites academic authors with expertise in television studies and other related disciplines to contribute to our upcoming special issue on female detectives on TV.

For decades now, the female detective has occupied space within a genre that has been all-too-often reserved for the celebratory storylines of self-sacrificial men. She has served to break down sexist barriers placed before women within professional and personal frameworks, acting as an on-screen surrogate and inspiration for (female) spectators. The popularity of female-led TV crime drama across the world points to her success in captivating widespread audience attention. Continuer la lecture de CALL FOR PAPERS: The Female Detective on TV




Le grand hebdomadaire des faits divers


En 1928, Détective, lancé par Gallimard, grâce à l’aide des frères Kessel, pré- tend être le premier hebdomadaire de faits divers, à la fois journal et magazine : chaque jeudi, la petite fabrique de crimes alimente les kiosques de ses numé- ros sanglants pour des lecteurs venus chercher leur dose d’énigme et d’horreur. Ses photographies impressionnent, ses reportages passionnent, ses signatures prestigieuses (Carco, Mac Orlan, Kessel) attirent. Détective devient l’atelier où se forge une certaine vision de la France criminelle des années trente et où certaines affaires emblématiques (les soeurs Papin, la parricide Violette Nozière, Stavisky) sont exposées au public. Véritable succès de vente pour les éditions Gallimard mais aussi cible numéro 1 des critiques qui condamnent son immoralité et son manque de fiabilité, le journal ne laisse pas indifférent. Mais que connaît-on vraiment de son histoire? Comment expliquer une telle réussite ? C’est cette recette savamment composée – d’enquêtes rigoureuses et de «bidonnage» de l’information, de combats journalistiques et de recettes sensationnalistes –, que la Bilipo se propose de vous faire redécouvrir à travers cette exposition.