Archives par mot-clé : culture

Parution : Majeur / Mineur. Vers une déhiérarchisation de la culture (dir. Saint-Jacques & Suchère)

Camille Saint-Jacques, Éric Suchère (dir.), Majeur / Mineur. Vers une déhiérarchisation de la culture, L’Atelier contemporain, coll. “Beautés”, 2021.

Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui de la distinction entre arts majeurs et arts mineurs ? Une telle hiérarchisation des pratiques artistiques entre high and low a-t-elle encore un sens ou bien doit-on désormais considérer que le temps d’une création libre, sans bornes ni entraves est venu, que l’art est un tout au sein duquel chacun est libre d’aller et de venir comme bon lui semble ?

Derrière cette question qui agite l’art contemporain depuis quelques décades se cachent de nombreux enjeux économiques, sociaux et bien sûr esthétiques qui apparaissent à la fin du XIXe siècle et se développent tout au long du XXe. L’étude de ces enjeux montre que l’esprit libertaire qui prétend faire tomber les barrières est autant porteur d’émancipation que d’une idéologie libérale.

Un simple coup d’œil dans l’histoire de la culture semble suffire pour constater que son évolution découle d’échanges continus entre ce qu’on appelle le « majeur » et le « mineur », le « haut » et le « bas », l’« élevé » et le « vil », le « noble » et l’« ignoble ». Ces catégories – par conséquent poreuses – et les clivages – fluctuants – qu’elles entretiennent seraient donc, sinon superflus, du moins en partie étrangers aux phénomènes culturels ; ils témoigneraient de l’insertion de ces derniers dans des logiques qu’on préfèrerait imaginer sans rapport avec eux, et en particulier dans des logiques de profit marchand et de distinction sociale.

Continuer la lecture de Parution : Majeur / Mineur. Vers une déhiérarchisation de la culture (dir. Saint-Jacques & Suchère)

CFP – International conference on The Cultural Politics of Memory





The politics of remembering and forgetting are important social and cultural issues. The authority, power and resources with which to create hegemonic versions of the past – to give authoritative accounts that are available in the public domain – are largely the property of institutions. Questions of power, voice, representation and identity are central to Cultural and Collective Memory.

This interdisciplinary conference will address how hegemonic narratives of the past are reproduced or challenged. It will examine the role of Cultural and Collective Memory in shaping meanings, values and identities. Papers are encouraged to address the relationship between past and present in Cultural and Collective Memory and how this relates to social power relations.

Papers are welcome in areas such as:

  • Cultural memory and the archive
  • Curating memory
  • Globalised memory
  • Marginalised histories
  • Memory and affect
  • Memory and anti-colonial struggle
  • Memory and class
  • Memory as gender/sexual politics
  • New technologies and memory
  • Public history
  • Racialised memory
  • Religion and cultural memory
  • Space, place and memory
  • Theoretical approaches to cultural and collective memory

Please send a 300 word extract and a short CV to:

Deadline for the receipt of abstracts: 31 January 2014

Publication : Pour des humanités contemporaines. Sciences, techniques, culture : quelles médiations, Jean Caune

Pour des humanités contemporaines. Science, technique, culture : quelles médiations ?

Jean Caune

Quelques mots sur l’ouvrage

En ce début de millénaire, la science est en crise. Ou du moins une certaine image de la science est en rupture avec l’état du monde et de la société.

Ce qui est en question concerne les rapports entre sciences, techniques et culture, qui structurent désormais notre quotidien : usage des nouvelles technologies, nouvelles pratiques culturelles, place de la science dans la formation des individus, etc.

Jean Caune questionne ici la participation des sciences et des techniques à la construction d’une culture contemporaine qui, avant d’être un ensemble d’œuvres ou de valeurs, est le creuset où les hommes dialoguent, écrivent, communiquent, créent et trouvent un sens partagé. Ce livre interroge le statut et la place des sciences dans leur diversité, leur histoire, leurs usages. Et ce sont les points de vue des sciences humaines et sociales qui orientent la compréhension des conditions d’existence des sciences et de leurs applications.

L’ambition de ce livre est de penser la construction de la science à l’intérieur de la culture et de circonscrire le domaine de la culture scientifique et technique dans l’espace de leur rencontre et de leur questionnement réciproque.

Table des matières

Préface  : Déverrouiller le monde – Philippe Meirieu


Intermède 1 : Vérité et espérance

Chapitre I – Les relations science et culture

Intermède 2 : Sortir des ténèbres

Chapitre II – La genèse des pratiques et des dispositifs

Intermède 3 : La Science : à quoi ça sert ?

Chapitre III – L’horizon d’attente des sciences et des techniques

Intermède 4 : Et avant le Big bang, qu’est-ce qu’il y avait ?

Chapitre IV – Les discours sur les sciences

Intermède 5 : Le dur et le mou

Chapitre V – La place des sciences dans la culture

Intermède 6 : C’est la guerre

Chapitre VI – Guerre des sciences et autoréflexion des sciences?

Intermède 7 : La carte et le territoire

Chapitre VII – Représentations et médiations des sciences

Intermède 8 : “La technique, c’est pas compliqué”

Chapitre VIII – La pensée de la technique

Intermède 9 : Un fameux bricoleur

Chapitre IX – Technoscience et convergence des disciplines

Intermède 10 : Rien ne va plus! Tout fout le camp!

Chapitre X – Vers une démocratie technicienne?

Ouverture conclusive Art et science : les conditions d’une rencontre?



Index des noms et index thématique

Quelques mots sur l’auteur

Jean Caune est professeur émérite à l’université Stendhal de Grenoble. Ingénieur chimiste, il s’est orienté vers une carrière de comédien et metteur en scène. Il a mais en place le centre d’action culturelle de la Villeneuve de Grenoble et dirigé la maison de la culture de Chambéry (1982-1988). Il a écrit une dizaine d’ouvrages sur la culture, le théâtre et les médiations culturelles.

Publication : Making Culture, Changing Society, Tony Bennett

Making Culture, Changing Society

By Tony Bennett

Published 21st March 2013 by Routledge

Making Culture, Changing Society proposes a challenging new account of the relations between culture and society focused on how particular forms of cultural knowledge and expertise work on, order and transform society. Examining these forms of culture’s action on the social as aspects of a historically distinctive ensemble of cultural institutions, it considers the diverse ways in which culture has been produced and mobilised as a resource for governing populations.

These concerns are illustrated in detailed case studies of how anthropological conceptions of the relations between race and culture have shaped – and been shaped by – the relationships between museums, fieldwork and governmental programmes in early twentieth-century France and Australia. These are complemented by a closely argued account of the relations between aesthetics and governance that, in contrast to conventional approaches, interprets the historical emergence of the autonomy of the aesthetic as vastly expanding the range of art’s social uses.

In pursuing these concerns, particular attention is given to the role that the cultural disciplines have played in making up and distributing the freedoms through which modern forms of liberal government operate. An examination of the place that has been accorded habit as a route into the regulation of conduct within liberal social, cultural and political thought brings these questions into sharp focus. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology, cultural studies, media studies, anthropology, museum and heritage studies, history, art history and cultural policy studies.


Introduction. Part I: Culture: Veridical, Material, and Compositional Perspectives 1. After Culture? 2. Making Culture, Organising Freedom, Changing Society 3. Civic Laboratories: Museums, Cultural Objecthood, and the Governance of the Social Part II: Anthropological Assemblages Inter-text 1 4. Making and Mobilising Worlds: Assembling and Governing the Other 5. Collecting, Instructing, Governing: Fields, Publics, Milieus Part III: Governing through Freedom: Aesthetics and Liberal Governance Inter-text 2 6. The Uses of Uselessness: Aesthetics, Freedom, Government 7. Guided Freedom: Aesthetics, Tutelage and the Interpretation of Art Part IV: Habit and the Architecture of the Person Inter-text 3 8. Habit, Instinct, Survivals: Repetition, History, Biopower 9. Habitus/Habit: Freedom/History. Afterword. References.

Author Biography

Tony Bennett is Research Professor in Social and Cultural Theory in the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Western Sydney. His work has had a defining influence on contemporary debates in cultural studies and cultural sociology. Making Culture, Changing Society builds on and extends his distinctive perspective on the relations between culture and society developed in his The Birth of the Museum; Culture: A Reformer’s Science; and Pasts Beyond Memory.


  1. Sociology & Social Policy
  2. Social Theory
  3. Cultural Theory
  4. Social & Cultural Anthropology
  5. Theory & Political Sociology
  6. History
  7. Media & Film Studies

New thematic section from Culture Unbound: “Objectification, Measurement and Standardization”

New thematic section from Culture Unbound: “Objectification, Measurement and Standardization”

Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research has published a new thematic section entitled “Objectification, Measurement and Standardization”. It is edited by Tord Larsen and consists of eight articles that give a range of interdisciplinary perspectives on how contemporary trends towards increasing quantification of social life relates to issues of governmentality, management, education and technological innovation. Subjects of the different articles range from quantification of insanity in nineteenth century asylums, via norms of listening in the early recording industry to late capitalist logistics, and the simulacra of neoliberal ‘managementality’.

Featured articles are:

  • Tord Larsen, “Introduction: ‘Objectification, Measurement and Standardization’”
  • Theodore M. Porter, “Funny Numbers”
  • Alexandra Hui, “Sound Objects and Sound Products: Standardizing a New Culture of Listening in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”
  • Jens Røyrvik & Petter G. Almklov, “Towards the Gigantic: Entification and Standardization as Technologies of Control”
  • Emil André Røyrvik & Marianne Blom Brodersen, “Real Virtuality: Power and Simulation in the Age of Neoliberal Crisis”
  • Nigel Rapport, “Towards Moral and Authentic Generalization: Humanity, Individual Human Beings and Distortion”
  • Maria Røhnebæk, “Standardized Flexibility: The Choreography of ICT in Standardization of Service Work”
  • Marte Fanneløb Giskeødegård, “The Right Kind of Feedback: Working through Standardized Tools”
  • Haakon Aasprong, “Recreating the Banana Grower: The Role of Private Certification Systems in the Windward Islands Banana Industry”

In addition to this we have also published a new separate article by Christoffer Kolvraa, “The Father on Display: The House of Jean Monnet and the Construction of European Identity”

You can access all articles for free at:

Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural research is an open access e-journal that seeks to be a forum for contemporary, cutting edge cultural research from a wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas. We also welcome new article manuscripts in all areas of cultural research, as well as proposals for future theme sections.

Martin Fredriksson
Executive Editor
Culture Unbound

Publication : "Culture and the Media", Paul Bowman

Culture and the Media looks at the relationship between what we term ‘media’ and ‘culture’, asking the question: where does one end and the other begin? Written in a lively and accessible style, this book introduces and contextualises the range of different approaches to the study of both of these fields.

Using a lively range of examples and case studies – including moral panics in the British media around punk rock in the 1970s, critiques of consumerism in the films Fight Club and American Psycho, and the YouTube-captured ‘violence’ of protests against student fees – Culture and the Media shows how theoretical and disciplinary debates over the meaning of the media and culture relate to our everyday cultural experiences.


– Introduction

– Chapter 1: Culture is (not) the Media

  • ‘Culture and the Media?’ What and the What?
  • Familiar Impossible Terms
  • Discourse
  • The Extremities of Culture
  • (Un)Popular Culture
  • Barbarian, Philistine and Popular Culture
  • Culture versus the Media
  • Culture as Media
  • The Disagreement of Culture

– Chapter 2: Media is (not) the Culture

  • Media (and) Messages
  • Interconnectedness, V.1
  • Interconnectedness V.2
  • Interconnectedness V2.1 (Supplement)
  • Shop Around
  • Media and Cultural Agency
  • Interconnectedness V3: Disconnectedness

– Chapter 3: Media Representation and its Cultural Consequences

  • Editing Culture: From trivia to tradition
  • Mediatized Ideas, Mediatized Bodies
  • Mediatized Politics
  • Violent Demonstration: A Mediatized Logic
  • Demonstrations of Violence
  • Playing War Games

– Chapter 4: Filming Culture

  • Post-Cinematic Effects
  • Classic Cinematic Effects
  • Media Culture and Coercive Mimeticism

– Conclusion: The Tangled Web


Paul Bowman is Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Cardiff University, UK. His previous books include Deconstructing Popular Culture, Interrogating Cultural StudiesPost-Marxism versus Cultural Studies and The Truth of Žižek.

More information :

Publication : Archetypes in Literatures and Cultures, Geybullayeva Rahilya (ed.)

Archetypes in Literatures and Cultures. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wie October 2012. 304 pp.

Geybullayeva, Rahilya (ed.)

in Collaboration with Izabella Horvath and Sevinj Bakhysh

Papers represented by scholars from Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkey, Chechia, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, The Netherlands, has been grouped around chapters National or Transnational, Source or Interpretation, Eastern Archetypes in the West: Rumi, Ashik-Kerib, Qurriat Al-Ayn, Archetype as a Symbol and an Image, Archetypes in Language and Translation, Archetypes in New Transformation or Fan-fiction, Mythology Archetypes and Totems, Archetypal images as a way of constructing identity.

The topics of this book range over various materials inspired by a field of questions related to archetypes. For example, the myth of Troy and the history of Romeo and Juliet as they appear in English and Italian form one branch of research. Another branch is made up of the plot of Leili and Mejnoun as it has been re-narrated in Azerbaijani, Persian, Indian or Uzbek, and now in contemporary Georgian and Russian. Yet again there is the plot of Dr. Faustus in English and German. These beg the question, “how do archetypical plots travel?”

Yet another area of research is how “nationality” figures into the construction and communication of epic plots? How is one to distinguish, for example, the song and verses of Mowlana and their adaptation in music by American authors? What about the similarity of melodies in the classical mugham of Bayaty-Shiraz and in “Toccata D Minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach? How do these things travel? How do these kinds of things of art travel when it comes to nations? How does a translation influence the migration of plots?

Finally, there is the matter of how these things travel and change in relation to different media, especially to modern media technology, to music, to cinema, to fan-fiction, to hyper-text.

These questions were posed for a conference devoted to the question of Archetypes. The forms of archetypes have changed and continue to change from one migrant plot to another. Taking into consideration the things mentioned above, the question arises: “Where are the borders between an original text, influence, and plagiarism?”





Chapter 1. National or Transnational, Source or Interpretation

  • Rahilya Geybullayeva (Azerbaijan) From Archetypal Situation to Archetypised Words or Words as a Unit of Semantic Reinterpretations
  • Kamal Abdullayev (Azerbaijan) Similarities in World Literature: Azerbaijani and Greek Epics (Toward Invariants)
  • Izabella Horvath (China-USA) Eurasian Folksong Texts as Carriers of Poetic Archetypes
  • Aslan Mamedly (Azerbaijan) Scientific Discourse of Post-Totalitarian Regimes: Fears and Hopes

Chapter 2. Eastern Archetypes in the West: Rumi, Ashik-Kerib, Qurriat Al-Ayn

  • Simon Sorgenfrei (Sweden) Renditions of Rumi in Europe and North America
  • Tatiana Megrelishvili (Georgia) Archetype of the Creator: the Semantics of Cultural Universals of the East (Mikhail Lermontov’s “Ashik- Kerib”)
  • Angelina Saule (Australia) Desiring the Oriental “Other” in the Persian Poems of Velimir Klebnikov

Chapter 3. Archetype as a Symbol and an Image

  • Gorkhmaz Guliyev (Azerbaijan) Hamlet and Iskandar: the Breakdown of the Persona Archetype as a Condition for Identity Formation
  • Gonul Bakay (Turkey) Faustus as Archetype
  • Mamed Godjaev (Azerbaijan) Archetype of the Russian Man in Dostoyevsky’s Works
  • Khuraman Mursalieva (Azerbaijan) Gods Don’t Talk, Poets Talk instead of Them (Archetype of Poet)
  • Sevinj Bakysh (United Kingdom) Archetype and Symbol of a Wise Old Man

Chapter 4. Archetypes in Language and Translation

  • Saddik Gohar (United Arab Emirates University) The Role of Translation in the Integration of Western /Christian Archetypes in Contemporary Arabic – Islamic Literature
  • Khalida Isa-zada (Azerbaijan) Symbols and Archetypes as Foundation of Phraseological Units in Languages

Chapter 5. Archetypes in New Transformation or Fan-fiction

  • Hatice Övgü Tüzün (Turkey) Dostoevsky’s Underground Man as a Literary Archetype in Postmodern Literature
  • Elnare Garagyezova (Azerbaijan) The Mill Archetype in Literature
  • Gunay Garayeva (Azerbaijan) Symbolization of Celestial Bodies as an Archetype in the Azerbaijani New Period Poetry

Chapter 6. Mythology Archetypes and Totems

  • Anuar Galiev (Kazakhstan) Archetypes of Turkic Culture
  • Irina Modebadze, Tamar Tsitsishvili (Georgia) Artistic Personification of Opposites: Analyses of “Medea” by Sandro Shanshiashvili
  • Yordan Lyutskanov (Bulgaria) The Holy Grail, Whore of Babylon (or Rome), Mother Earth, and the Purifying World Conflagration in the Works of Nikolay and Lev Gumilyovs

Chapter 7. Archetypical images as away of constructing identity

  • Igor Yankov, Larisa Piskunova (Russia) The Archetype of Construction Sacrifice in the Formation of a City’s Identity: from a “City-Factory” towards a “City of Consumer Goods Exhibition”
  • Elena Paskaleva (Netherlands) The Archetype of the Four in the Architecture of the Four-īwān Building Tradition

List of the Authors


Call for papers: Music and Diplomacy


Tufts University and Harvard University, March 1-2, 2013

How does music (its concepts, practices, and institutions) shape the exercise of diplomacy, the pursuit of power, and the conduct of international relations? Scholars are increasingly asking these questions from a variety of disciplinary standpoints. While some have highlighted the ritual function of European court entertainments in the development of modern diplomatic practices, others have pondered the construction of (a)political meaning in musical events. From the musical performance of political conflict to the cultural conditions of peacemaking, scholars and practitioners have investigated the purposes and effects of music as “cultural diplomacy,” “public diplomacy,” “soft,” “smart,” and/or “sticky” power. Diplomatic patronage of all kinds of music (from opera to jazz to hip hop), the music-making of diplomats themselves, and the development of celebrity diplomacy have raised further questions about the politicized consumption of music.

This conference aims to provide a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue among scholars from various historical standpoints and diverse disciplines, including (but not limited to): musicology and ethnomusicology, government (international relations, political theory), peace studies, cultural studies, history, sociology, psychology, literature, and communication.

Keynote speakers include Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Associate Professor of Music at The Ohio State University.

We invite abstracts of no more than 300 words, sent as email attachments to Please include contact information and affiliation (if any) in your abstract, as well as anticipated audio equipment needs.

The deadline for submissions is November 19. Revised versions of papers will be considered for an edited volume planned for publication.

The conference is hosted by the Center for the Humanities at Tufts University and the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University, with support from the Mellon Foundation.

Co-organizers: Rebekah Ahrendt, Mark Ferraguto, Damien Mahiet

Parution – L'expérience esthétique. Une archéologie des arts et de la communication

Stéphane Olivesi, L’expérience esthétiqueUne archéologie des arts et de la communication, 456 p., ISBN 978-2-7453-2311-8.

Lire un polar, regarder un film d’auteur, interpréter une partition, représenter des paysages naturels ou mentaux relèvent de routines dont on ne s’étonne plus guère. Pourtant, cette familiarité avec les œuvres d’art laisse intacte l’énigme répétée que constitue l’expérience esthétique, c’est-à-dire la rencontre entre des producteurs et des consommateurs, des auteurs et des spectateurs, des créateurs et des publics, autour de ces objets singuliers. Des logiques très diverses portent les uns à s’exprimer, àproduire, à créer et les autres à contempler, à lire, à écouter… quand d’autres encore commentent, classent, éditent, produisent, répertorient.

Les analyses proposées sondent l’historicité de ces rapports aux œuvres. Elles déconstruisent les catégories impliquées dans les manières de faire de l’art, de le pratiquer, de l’apprécier et de le juger. Elles explorent les formes de subjectivité qui se cristallisent dans cette expérience. Elles tentent aussi d’expliciter ce qui rend possible une telle communauté d’expérience, parfois résumée à des «langages de l’art». Comprendre comment «ça» communique suppose en effet que soit esquivé le piège de l’abstraction et du formalisme auquel se heurtent les approches inspirées par la linguistique et la phénoménologie,mais il faut aussi que soit déjoué l’écueil du repli positiviste sur la seule explicitation de logiques sociales coupées du vécu propre à cette expérience.

The aesthetic experience, notably the meeting between producers and consumers, authors and spectators, creators and the public in regard to works of art, can be enigmatic. To understand its functioning the following domains need to be examined: linguistic formalism or even phenomenological abstraction. This study also looks at the cultural determination that is at the heart of our relation to art.

Auteur de nombreux articles et de plusieurs ouvrages critiques consacrés à la communication, Stéphane Olivesi est Professeur à l’Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Appel à contributions : Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies, « Communication et mémoire/Communication de la mémoire »

Appel à contributions : Communication et mémoire / Communication de la mémoire, Essachess – Journal for communication Studies, 5, n°2(10), 2012.

Call for Papers : Communication and/of memory, Essachess – Journal for communication Studies, 5, n°2(10), 2012.

Coordination du dossier / Coordinators : Yves CHEVALIER (University of Bretagne Sud, France) and Lucian-Zeev HERSCOVICI (National Library of Israel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)


English below

« Communication et mémoire / Communication de la mémoire » s’avère un thème complexe et sensible, mais à la fois émergeant et porteur dans la recherche contemporaine en communication. Au fil des ans la recherche impliquant la communication et la mémoire / la communication de la mémoire s’est concentrée sur l’examen des divers aspects interconnectés de la médiation de la mémoire à travers une variété d’approches académiques. À partir de ces approches et du « patrimoine des recherches en cours » lié à la communication et à la mémoire, ce dossier de la revue ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies vise à offrir une perspective interdisciplinaire et internationale sur la façon de lier la communication à la mémoire à travers les thématiques suivantes:

  • la mémoire en tant que catégorie de base dans la recherche en sciences sociales ;
  • les tendances de la recherche actuelle sur la mémoire collective ou sociale ;
  • la mémoire communicative en tant que mémoire générationnelle ;
  • le rôle des médias dans la mémoire culturelle ;
  • discours et  mémoire ;
  • la numérisation de la mémoire ;
  • les métaphores de la mémoire ;
  • les machines de la mémoire dans la société technologisée ;
  • l’impact de la numérisation et des médias sociaux sur la mémoire ;
  • les mémoires culturelles du communisme et de l’Holocauste à travers l’analyse des documents, des musées, des films, des archives, des témoignages oraux, des documentaires, etc. ;
  • la communication de la mémoire: documentation numérique ;
  • la communication de la mémoire: préservation du patrimoine culturel.

Pour ce numéro de la revue ESSACHESS nous attendons des contributions qui peuvent prendre la forme :

  • d’études théoriques ou de textes apportant de nouvelles orientations pour le débat dans la littérature spécialisée ;
  • de recherches empiriques et d’études de cas.

Dates importantes :

  • 15 avril 2012 : envoi de la proposition d’article sous forme d’un résumé d’environ 2500 – 3500 signes espaces compris ;
  • 15 mai 2012 : notification des résultats ;
  • 15 septembre 2012 : soumission intégrale de l’article;
  • 15 novembre 2012 : acceptation définitive de l’article.

Les articles devront comprendre entre 20 000 et 25 000 signes espaces compris. Ils peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais et doivent être accompagnés d`un résumé en français et en anglais (200-250 mots), de 5 mots clés, des noms, ainsi que des affiliations et adresses e-mail de tous les auteurs. Les articles et questions complémentaires doivent être adressés à :

Les auteurs dont les articles auront été acceptés en seront avisés par e-mail. La revue sera publiée en décembre 2012.


Communication and/of memory are explosive, complex and challenging topics in the contemporary research in communication and memory studies. Over the years, research involving communication and/of memory has concentrated on the examination of a variety of interconnected aspects of the mediation of memory through different academic approaches.

Starting of these approaches and the current research heritage related to the communication and/of memory this thematical issue seeks to offer an interdisciplinary and international perspective on how to connect communication and memory through the following topics:

  • memory as a basic category for social science research;
  • collective or social memory trends;
  • communicative memory as generational memory;
  • the role of media for cultural memory;
  • narrative and memory;
  • digitization of memory;
  • metaphors for memory;
  • memory devices in the technologized society;
  • the impact of digitization and social media on memory;
  • cultural memories of communism and Holocaust through analyzing documents, museums, films, archives, oral testimonies, documentaries, etc.;
  • communication of memory: digital documentation research;
  • communication of memory : preservation of cultural heritage.

All scholars and researchers with an interest in these subjects are invited to submit papers. Their contributions can be in the form of:

  • theoretical studies or articles adding new insights to the debate in the literature;
  • original empirical research including case studies.

Important Deadlines

  • April 15, 2012: submission of the proposition of article in the form of a summary of 400-500 words;
  • May 15, 2012: acceptance of the proposal;
  • September 15, 2012: full paper submission;
  • November 15, 2012: full paper acceptance.

Papers should be between 6,000-10,000 words in length. Papers can be submitted in English or French. The abstracts should be in English and French, max. 200-250 words followed by 5 keywords. Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. Papers, and any queries, should be sent to:

Authors of the accepted papers will be notified by e-mail. The journal will be published in December 2012.