Archetypes in Literatures and Cultures. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wie October 2012. 304 pp.
Geybullayeva, Rahilya (ed.)
in Collaboration with Izabella Horvath and Sevinj Bakhysh
Papers represented by scholars from Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkey, Chechia, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, The Netherlands, has been grouped around chapters National or Transnational, Source or Interpretation, Eastern Archetypes in the West: Rumi, Ashik-Kerib, Qurriat Al-Ayn, Archetype as a Symbol and an Image, Archetypes in Language and Translation, Archetypes in New Transformation or Fan-fiction, Mythology Archetypes and Totems, Archetypal images as a way of constructing identity.
The topics of this book range over various materials inspired by a field of questions related to archetypes. For example, the myth of Troy and the history of Romeo and Juliet as they appear in English and Italian form one branch of research. Another branch is made up of the plot of Leili and Mejnoun as it has been re-narrated in Azerbaijani, Persian, Indian or Uzbek, and now in contemporary Georgian and Russian. Yet again there is the plot of Dr. Faustus in English and German. These beg the question, “how do archetypical plots travel?”
Yet another area of research is how “nationality” figures into the construction and communication of epic plots? How is one to distinguish, for example, the song and verses of Mowlana and their adaptation in music by American authors? What about the similarity of melodies in the classical mugham of Bayaty-Shiraz and in “Toccata D Minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach? How do these things travel? How do these kinds of things of art travel when it comes to nations? How does a translation influence the migration of plots?
Finally, there is the matter of how these things travel and change in relation to different media, especially to modern media technology, to music, to cinema, to fan-fiction, to hyper-text.
These questions were posed for a conference devoted to the question of Archetypes. The forms of archetypes have changed and continue to change from one migrant plot to another. Taking into consideration the things mentioned above, the question arises: “Where are the borders between an original text, influence, and plagiarism?”
Chapter 1. National or Transnational, Source or Interpretation
- Rahilya Geybullayeva (Azerbaijan) From Archetypal Situation to Archetypised Words or Words as a Unit of Semantic Reinterpretations
- Kamal Abdullayev (Azerbaijan) Similarities in World Literature: Azerbaijani and Greek Epics (Toward Invariants)
- Izabella Horvath (China-USA) Eurasian Folksong Texts as Carriers of Poetic Archetypes
- Aslan Mamedly (Azerbaijan) Scientific Discourse of Post-Totalitarian Regimes: Fears and Hopes
Chapter 2. Eastern Archetypes in the West: Rumi, Ashik-Kerib, Qurriat Al-Ayn
- Simon Sorgenfrei (Sweden) Renditions of Rumi in Europe and North America
- Tatiana Megrelishvili (Georgia) Archetype of the Creator: the Semantics of Cultural Universals of the East (Mikhail Lermontov’s “Ashik- Kerib”)
- Angelina Saule (Australia) Desiring the Oriental “Other” in the Persian Poems of Velimir Klebnikov
Chapter 3. Archetype as a Symbol and an Image
- Gorkhmaz Guliyev (Azerbaijan) Hamlet and Iskandar: the Breakdown of the Persona Archetype as a Condition for Identity Formation
- Gonul Bakay (Turkey) Faustus as Archetype
- Mamed Godjaev (Azerbaijan) Archetype of the Russian Man in Dostoyevsky’s Works
- Khuraman Mursalieva (Azerbaijan) Gods Don’t Talk, Poets Talk instead of Them (Archetype of Poet)
- Sevinj Bakysh (United Kingdom) Archetype and Symbol of a Wise Old Man
Chapter 4. Archetypes in Language and Translation
- Saddik Gohar (United Arab Emirates University) The Role of Translation in the Integration of Western /Christian Archetypes in Contemporary Arabic – Islamic Literature
- Khalida Isa-zada (Azerbaijan) Symbols and Archetypes as Foundation of Phraseological Units in Languages
Chapter 5. Archetypes in New Transformation or Fan-fiction
- Hatice Övgü Tüzün (Turkey) Dostoevsky’s Underground Man as a Literary Archetype in Postmodern Literature
- Elnare Garagyezova (Azerbaijan) The Mill Archetype in Literature
- Gunay Garayeva (Azerbaijan) Symbolization of Celestial Bodies as an Archetype in the Azerbaijani New Period Poetry
Chapter 6. Mythology Archetypes and Totems
- Anuar Galiev (Kazakhstan) Archetypes of Turkic Culture
- Irina Modebadze, Tamar Tsitsishvili (Georgia) Artistic Personification of Opposites: Analyses of “Medea” by Sandro Shanshiashvili
- Yordan Lyutskanov (Bulgaria) The Holy Grail, Whore of Babylon (or Rome), Mother Earth, and the Purifying World Conflagration in the Works of Nikolay and Lev Gumilyovs
Chapter 7. Archetypical images as away of constructing identity
- Igor Yankov, Larisa Piskunova (Russia) The Archetype of Construction Sacrifice in the Formation of a City’s Identity: from a “City-Factory” towards a “City of Consumer Goods Exhibition”
- Elena Paskaleva (Netherlands) The Archetype of the Four in the Architecture of the Four-īwān Building Tradition
List of the Authors