Appels à contributions pour des numéros de Metal Music Studies
Échéance des articles pour le numéro spécial ‘Fade to Black: Philosophy and Psychology Through Metallica’ : 31 janvier 2022
Échéances des propositions pour la section 2, “Is Metal a Subculture?” : 20 septembre 2022
This peer-reviewed journal provides a focus for research and theory in metal music studies, a multidisciplinary (and interdisciplinary) subject field that engages with a range of parent disciplines. It provides a platform for high-quality research and theory and aims to be a unique resource for metal music studies. It is the intellectual hub for the International Society of Metal Music Studies.
General Call for Papers
Metal Music Studies is explicitly multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary: embracing both musicological research and music theory about metal music, and social scientific and humanistic research about metal music as a genre. We are interested in original papers on metal music. We aim to receive contributions from researchers and theorists aligned with the subject field of metal music studies, but also researchers and theorists from other disciplines who feel that their interest in a form of popular music marginalizes them from the core debates in their discipline.
The journal consists of two sections: a main section for full papers; and a second section for shorter pieces, reflections and reviews.
We would be happy to receive contributions from scholars in the parent disciplines of music theory, musicology, aesthetics, music technology, performance, art, policy studies, politics, cultural studies, economics, pedagogy, sociology, linguistics, psychology, history, regional studies, theology, philosophy, and natural sciences. As well as new research and theory on metal music in all its forms, the journal will accept and commission shorter pieces from those involved in the metal music industry: journalists, label owners and other industry insiders, managers, musicians and fans.
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