The Cultures of Popular Culture, Queen's University Belfast, 13-14 December 2013

The Cultures of Popular Culture
Queen’s University Belfast
13-14 December 2013

Popular Culture has long been absent from the syllabus, eschewed by researchers and viewed condescendingly sometimes even by its most adept practitioners. It has come a long way to become the thriving academic discipline it is today. Just as the term Popular Culture describes the widest range of practices, Popular Culture Studies cover the most heterogeneous objects. While this very diversity makes it exciting as a research field, it presents a challenge in terms of methods and approaches. To promote scientific exchanges at international level, Popular Culture Studies need elements of comparability and theorization. The biennial conference of the Royal Irish Academy, hosted by the School of Modern Languages at Queen’s University Belfast, intends to offer a forum for discussion between academics, teaching and researching in the fields of Popular Cultures. It will consider the benefits of studying Popular Cultures in Modern Languages Studies and seek to map current areas of research. It presents a distinctive opportunity to discuss corpora and contrast approaches.

The forthcoming biennial conference of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Languages, Literary and Cultural Studies, on ‘The Cultures of Popular Culture’, to be hosted by the School of Modern Languages at Queen’s University Belfast on 13-14 December 2013.

The conference is organised by a committee at Queen’s University Belfast made up of Dr Tori Holmes (Spanish & Portuguese Studies), Dr Dominique Jeannerod (French Studies) and Dr Federico Pagello (Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities).

Plus d’informations :



9:00 – 10:00 Registration, Welcome addresses, Information on the conference (Queen’s Film Theatre (QFT), Screen 1)

Professor Janice Carruthers (Queen’s University Belfast) – Head of the School of Modern Languages
Professor Maeve Conrick (University College Dublin) – Chair, Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Languages, Literary and Cultural Studies

10:00-11:30: Session 1

Panel 1: Mass fictions: From literary to audiovisual narrative (QFT Screen 1)

Chair: Michael Pierse (QUB/ICRH)

  • Markus Schleich (Saarland University) – “The Dickensean Aspect” – From highbrow literature to popular TV series and back
  • Meltem Erincmen Kanoglu (Yeditepe University) – The role of Roman feuilletons on modernisation in the Constitutional Period: Study of three novels by Ahmed Midhat Efendi
  • Daniel de Zubía Fernández (NUI Maynooth) – Trash and change: Pre 1975 popular cinema

Panel 2: Crime fiction

(Creative Arts Seminar Room, ground floor, 21 University Square)

Chair: Dominique Jeannerod (QUB)

  • Casey Shoop (University of Oregon) – Broken border and moving crime scene: Reading Don Winslow after Cormac McCarthy
  • Kate Quinn (NUI Galway) – 1973 as crime scene in Chilean detective fiction
  • Andrea Hynynen (University of Turku) – Queer, gender and crime fiction in French studies: A hazardous scientific endeavour

11:30- 11:45 Coffee/Tea (QFT Screen 1)

11:45-13:00 Keynote: Professor Diana Holmes (University of Leeds) – The Way We Read Now: Popular and Middlebrow Fiction in Twenty-First Century Europe (QFT Screen 1)

13:00-14:00 Lunch (QFT Foyer)

14:00-15:45: Session 2

Panel 3: Symbolic distinctions

(University Square 11/101) Chair: Véronique Altglas (QUB)

  • Barry Nevin (NUI Galway) “Coming Soon: Arizona Jim vs. Cagoulard”: The appropriation of American popular culture by French Popular Front artists in Jean Renoir’s Le Crime de Monsieur Lange (1936)
  • Mary Harrod (King’s College, London) – Blind spots and double standards: Anomalies in the politics of cinephilic film taste in France
  • Sylvain Aquatias (Limoges University) – When popular cultures are not so popular… The example of comics art in France
  • Oliver Peterson (Southampton University) – The world of Null-A and the long front of culture: How the Independent Group was shaped by A.E. Van Vogt’s science fiction evocation of Non-Aristotelian General Semantics

Panel 4: Gender, Sexuality and the body in popular culture

(University Square 12/101)
Chair: Nigel Harkness (QUB)

  • Jean McArdle (Waterford IT) – Muscular capitalism: The re-creation of sporting identity and the shifting social paradigm of masculinity within mediated Irish Sports
  • Ranthild Salzer (Vienna University) – Popular culture, normative masculinities and the graphic narrative
  • Feryade Tokan (Yeditepe University, Istanbul) – The impact of social gender on the recognition of a homosexual celebrity in a consumer society: Viva Diva
  • Mariana Moscoso (University of California, Davis) – An(other) Marisa Merz: Problematizing the “feminized” artworks and spaces of Marisa Merz

Panel 5: Shaping identities

(University Square 10/101)

Chair: TBC

  • João de Oliveira (Paris 3 University) Popular culture in Brazil: From marginalization and repression to identity paradigm
  • Amy Fuller (Nottingham Trent University) – La Llorona and Día de los Muertos: Festivals, folklore and national identity in Mexico
  • Catherine Arthur (QUB) – Painting the past: Street art, the Geração Foun and visually representing notions of ‘East Timorese-ness’
  • Zoé Carle (Paris 3 University) – The slogans of the Egyptian revolution: Renewing the popular epic

15:45-16:15 Coffee/Tea (University Square 7/101)

16:15-17:45: Session 3

Panel 6: Otherness and difference

(University Square 11/101)

Chair: Margaret Topping (QUB)

  • Rebecca Ewart (QUB) – Translating Polynesia today: The persistence of the paradis terrestre in French travel literature
  • Burçin Çakir (Bahçeşehir University) – Foes or friends? Discourse analysis on popular images of anti-Americanism in Turkish media
  • Katerina Lawless (University of Limerick) – Constructing the ‘Other’: Construction of Russian identity in the discourse of James Bond films

Panel 7: Memory, emotion and ethics

(University Square 12/101)

Chair: Roberta Quance (QUB)

  • Erica Haas (Schiller University of Jena) – From Escape to Jersey to Dangerous Waters: The exploration of the German occupation of the Channel Islands via popular literature
  • Yianna Liatsos (University of Limerick) – Regarding the pain of others: Emplotment and the ethics of the cancer story
  • Niamh Cullen (University College Dublin) – The languages of love in late twentieth-century Italian popular culture

Panel 8: The quest for Readability

(University Square 10/101)

Chair: TBC

  • Robin Fuller (Trinity College, Dublin) – Writing in the language of reality – Franz Roh, Moholy-Nagy and the universal language of photography
  • Patricia Gwozdz (Potsdam University) – Science celebrities as icons of knowledge gossip
  • Benjamin Schaper (Oxford University) – The quest for the middle ground in German literature since 1990

18:00- 19:00 Reception (Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities, 18 University Square)

19:30 Conference Dinner (Deane’s at Queen’s)


9:00-10:45: Session 4

Panel 9: People’s cultures and social engineering

(QFT Screen 2)

Chair: Aaron Hunter (QUB)

  • Colleen Becker (University of London – School of Advanced Study) – Kunst fürs Volk: Genre painting as mass culture in nineteenth-century Germany
  • Duccio Colombo (University of Palermo) – Nikolai Shpanov and the evolution of Stalinist spy thriller
  • Kálai Sándor (University of Debrecen) – Perspectives on the research of Eastern European popular culture

Panel 10: Film, media and broadcasting cultures

(QFT Seminar Room) Chair: Tori Holmes (QUB)

  • Stephanie Dennison (University of Leeds) – Popular film culture in 21st-century Brazil
  • Rayya Roumanos (University of Lyon) – Redefining Middle Eastern popular culture through television shows
  • Kader Tugla (Yeditepe University) – The decline of one synthesis and the rise of another: Arabesque music and national broadcasting policy in Turkey
  • Sharon Black (QUB) – Media convergence and the young viewer: A transmedial approach to audiovisual and digital translation for children

10:45-11:00 Coffee/Tea (QFT Screen 1)

11:00-12:30, Session 5

Panel 11: Stage arts and the popular

(QFT Screen 1) Chair: TBC

  • Michael Meere (King’s College London) – The stakes of popular theatre in late renaissance France
  • Paul Murphy (QUB) – Class disparity and popular culture – A winning formula
  • Julián Rodríguez-Pardo (University of Extremadura) – Names with underlying moral patterns – The case of Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz

Panel 12: Arenas

(QFT Seminar Room)
Chair: Gabriel Sánchez (QUB)

  • Mark McKinty (QUB) – To the bullring! The role of popular culture and figures in the birth of the modern bullfight
  • Katrine Helene Andersen (University of Copenhagen) – A revolt of the masses: Culture, democracy and modernity in early 20th-century Spain, from bullfighting to soccer games
  • Ana Peláez (Boston College, Madrid) Re-visiting the stereotypes: Bullfighting in a Spanish cultural studies classroom

12:30-13:15 Lunch(QFT Foyer)

13:15-15:00 Keynote: Professor Andrea Noble (Durham University) – Killing and Crying: The Work of the Emotion in Nineteenth Century Mexican Popular Culture (QFT Screen 1)

15:00-16:00 Close and refreshments (Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities, 18 University Square)

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