CALL FOR PAPERS: Branding TV: Transmedia to the Rescue!
special-themed edition of Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN
Guest Editor: Benjamin W. L. Derhy (University of East Anglia / Université Paris Ouest)
Journal Editor: Matthew Freeman (University of Nottingham)
Deadline for Abstracts: 10 June 2013
The television world is changing: as films and programmes become brands on their own – derivable in a variety of ways – and as technology has evolved so much that even the concept of narrative has been affected, marketing strategies have changed forever.
Transmedia storytelling is ‘a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience’ (Jenkins, 2006, 95-6). Though both a challenge and an opportunity for conventional industry production methods, it represents a marketing goldmine. Indeed, the rise of transmedia platforms – offering the possibility to create websites, mobile games, alternative reality games, interactive exhibitions, e-books, e-comics, webseries, etc. – and the increasing involvement of the audience have provided marketers with a whole new range of possibilities to boost both brand recognition and profits: rather than selling the show to networks, they now sell the story directly to consumers.
Rather than ‘reducing’ Transmedia storytelling to the augmenting effect it has had on the concept of narrative as a result of its ability to create an immersive environment, this special issue seeks to discuss the wide range of economic perspectives available to a Film/Television brand due to this very same immersive environment. The transmedia phenomenon has, so far, mostly been approached from an either textual or participatory perspective, but rarely so from a multidisciplinary perspective encompassing the marketing aspect. Providing insight on this topic through contributions from researchers in media, communications and cultural studies, but also in marketing, would enrich our collective understanding of Transmedia storytelling thanks to complementary viewpoints, in the hope of offering a more holistic approach.
Branding TV: Transmedia to the Rescue! welcomes articles from postgraduates and early career researchers of 5,000 to 6,000 words.
Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
- The textual and creative impact on Transmedia strategies
- The technological, creative or financial limits of Transmedia strategies
- The relationship of Transmedia storytelling with promotional and branding strategies
- The differences between Transmedia branding and franchising
- Study cases or historical examples of Transmedia strategies
- The relationships between marketers and screenwriters and other practitioners
- The cultural impact of such strategies to society
- The relationships between marketers and participatory cultures
- The reception of such practices by fan communities
- Future developments of Transmedia practices
Please send abstracts (up to 300 words) along with a 50 word biography by June 10, 2013 to Benjamin W. L. Derhy ( and Matthew Freeman ( Articles are due on October 15, 2013. Feel free to contact the editors for further information.
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