Call for papers : Feminist Theory and Pop Culture

Call For Papers for Feminist Theory and Pop Culture

Forthcoming in 2015 from Sense Publishers

Contact:  Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Ph.D., Editor.

Deadline for Submissions:  June 15, 2013

Deadline for Chapters:  April 30, 2014

Book Information

Feminist Theory and Pop Culture examines the ways that entertainment and media are often examples of feminist theory, particularly when used to understand and challenge gender stereotypes.  This book is a culmination of multiple authors who each connect an aspect of popular culture with feminist theory, demonstrating how feminism is part of day-to-day media/social life while also giving students examples of how feminist theory is present in their favorite genres of pop culture. Each chapter will provide in-depth examples of how feminist theory is represented in popular culture as well as contain key words and theories throughout the chapter so that the reader will see which theoretical perspective the author is working from and what key terms will be associated with this perspective. This text would provide the opportunity for feminist theory to be accessible and culturally relevant to students, particularly considering how present in the media is in student’s day-to-day lives.  Contributors should be able to balance applying terms and feminist theory with areas of, or instances of, popular culture within their chapter.

The idea for this book was born from incidents at the 2012 Comic Con.  During the festival there were widespread reports of women being fondled and sexually objectified by men in attendance.  One aspect of this objectification can presumably stem from the over-sexualized images of women in comic books. Feminist theory could easily be applied to this incident via the male gaze to connect privilege, power and pop culture at Comic Con in general, or the ways women are represented in comic books in particular.  A chapter which focused on these topics would give the students a tangible example (Comic Con) of a feminist theory (e.g. the male gaze) and a theorist (e.g. Laura Mulvey) to connect feminist theory “the real world.”  Another example would be to consider the aspects of intersectionality, masculinity and/or “The Other” as they relate to the recent controversies surrounding Seth MacFarlane’s hosting of The Oscars. The sexual references, dismissal of rape scenes in film as opportunities for women to “show their boobs”, and sexualization of Quvenzhané Wallis via comments by MacFarlane and The Onion.  Other examples could include the examination of television shows, women’s representation in music, addressing reality television, addressing film or a specific performance in a film, representations of women in comics/animation/costume play, the emergence of strong female characters, etc.  All ideas are welcome but theoretical perspectives should fit with the CFP categories below

CFP Categories

  • Feminist Standpoint Theory; The “Outsider Looking In”: Black Feminist Thought; Intersectionality and Feminist Theory;
  • Masculinities and Feminist Theory; The Second Sex/The Other and Simone de Beauvior; Feminist Theory and Work;
  • Feminist Theory and Violence Against Women; Feminist Activism and Feminist Theory

Submission Requirements

Proposals should include the main ideas to be addressed as well as the feminist theoretical framework and terms you will be working from.  All disciplines are welcome.  Please send 400-500 word abstracts as well as a short CV to by June 15, 2013.  Questions can also be addressed to this email.  Please only submit abstracts which fit with the CFP category above.  Selected authors will be notified by July 15, 2013 and chapters will be due April 30, 2014.  Final chapters should be between 18-20 pages, including references.

About the Editor

Adrienne Trier-Bieniek is a qualitative researcher whose primary interest lies in the impact pop culture has on shaping ideas about gender. Her forthcoming book Sing Us a Song, Piano Woman: Female Fans and the Music of Tori Amos will be released in June from Scarecrow Press and focuses on how women have used music as a means of healing/emotional support.  Her research can be found in the journals Qualitative Research and Humanity & Society as well as in the book The Art of Social Critique edited by Shawn Bingham, as well as The Orlando Sentinel, where she has been a guest columnist. She is the co-editor, along with Patricia Leavy, of the forthcoming book Gender and Pop Culture: A Text-Reader to be released from Sense Publishers in 2014. Adrienne is currently a faculty member at Valencia College and can be found at

Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, PhD <>

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