CFP: Gender and Sexuality in the Crime Genre (15 février 2013)


Gender and Sexuality in the Crime Genre

for the Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference of the Crime Genre Research Network, Ireland,

supported by the NUIG-UL Gender ARC

Gender and Sexuality in the Crime Genre

to be held at

The National University of Ireland, Galway

Friday 21 – Sunday 23 June, 2013

We invite papers that examine how gender and sexuality are treated in literature and/or in film and television within the crime genre. Papers are welcome from any language area, (although papers must be delivered in English and should be no more than twenty minutes in length).

Papers will be welcomed from a range of disciplines (modern languages, English studies, comparative literature, history, film studies, cultural studies, political science and sociology etc.)

Conference organisers: Dr Kate Quinn, Spanish and Latin American Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway

Dr Marieke Krajenbrink, German Studies, University of Limerick

Abstracts (of 300 words maximum) should be sent to Dr Quinn and/or Dr Krajenbrink

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Friday, 15 February 2013

Contact details: Dr Kate Quinn


tel: 00353 91 492792

Contact details: Dr Marieke Krajenbrink


tel: 00353 61 202453

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