Research fields:
History of Popular Culture, Contemporary American Cinema, Film and Popular Literature, Film and Comics.
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications
« Space as History. Watchmen and the Urban Imagery in Superhero Comics », (FORTHCOMING), in P. Chemartin, S. Giovenco (eds.), Proceedings of the VIII MAGIS Spring School, Campanotto, Udine, 2011.
- Grattacieli e superuomini. L’immagine della metropoli tra cinema e fumetto, Le Mani, Recco (Ge) , 2011.
- « The Lord of the Rings as global phenomenon: a review of The Frodo Franchise, Watching the Lord of the Rings and Studying the Event Film » , in New Review of Film and Television Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, Routledge, June 2010.
- (editor) EPOP. Popular Roots of European Culture (exhibition catalogue), Pescara, 2010.
- « Cameron/Eastwood/Obama, o dell’entusiasmo americano », Cinergie, no. 20, July 2010.
- « Nostalgie della sinistra. Cinema politico italiano a Venezia 2009 », in Cinergie, no. 19, March 2010.
- « Olaf Möller, Giovanni Spagnoletti (eds), Oltre il muro. Il cinema tedesco contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio 2008 » (book review), Storicamente, no. 6, 2010
- « A Spider-Man in New York. Fumetto, cinema, metropoli », in L. Quaresima, L.E. Sangallo, F. Zecca (eds.), Cinema and Comics, Udine, Forum, 2009.
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