Date : du 7 au 10 mars 2024
Lieu : Boston, MA
Échéance des propositions : 30 septembre 2023
Organisé par :
Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso (Hendrix College)
Valeria Dani (Cornell University)
With this new iteration of our seminar, we are thus excited to ask: How is the notion of ‘surplus’ applicable to the visions of excess that constellate horror cinema? Who profits from that excess, and from whom is that surplus extracted? Conversely: What does the scarcity of working-class representation signify for the political substratum of the horror genre, as a whole? And could fear, as an excessive emotion with little e(s)th(et)ic distance, be regarded as a potential entryway for dominant ideologies?
We look forward to receiving proposals that resonate with these questions, as well as with the following topics, including, but not limited to:
- The extraction of surplus value: capitalism as a vampiric/cannibalizing/parasitic entity;
- The politics of representation and spectatorship: class, gender, sexuality, race, dis/ability, etc.;
- The life (and afterlife) of objects under capitalism: production, distribution, (demonic) possessions;
- Surplus and the obscene;
- Surplus as waste: environmental and rural/ urban decay;
- Marxist and Neo-marxist analyses of the genre.
Please submit an abstract of 200 to 250 words describing your proposed seminar paper by September 30, 2023. Accepted participants must submit a complete draft paper no later than February 1, 2024 to be shared with the collective before the conference. Papers should be between 10-15 pages, typed (12p) and double spaced, and include a “Works Cited” section. All participants are expected to read each other’s essays prior to the session and provide a one-paragraph response to one person as assigned by the chairs
If you have any questions regarding the roundtable, please contact the organizers directly: Valeria Dani ( and Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso (
About the NeMLA Convention
NeMLA’s annual convention is an opportunity for scholars across the humanities to gather for four days of intensive scholarly inquiry and discovery. The 55th Annual Convention will be held March 7 to 10, 2024, in Boston, MA. The theme of NeMLA 2024 is SURPLUS broadly understood, as economic value but also as excess(ive) and what is leftover or unwanted. Considering its multifaceted meanings and its relevance in current heated debates, NeMLA invites proposals that allow for stimutating conversations about, but not be limited to, pressing questions of representation, migration, the environment, and identity.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marie Lucie Bougon (6 juillet 2023). Appel à contributions : Visions of Excess: Class Politics, Fear, and the Representation of Surplus in Horror Cinema (NeMLA). LPCM. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse