Replaying Japan 2023 – The 11th International Japan Game Studies Conference
Conference Theme: Local Communities, Digital Communities and Video Games in Japan
Dates: August 18(Fri)-20(Sun), 2023
Location: Nagoya Zokei University, Nagoya, Aichi, JAPAN
Abstract registration deadline: March 30th, 2023
Organized by Nagoya Zokei University
Call for papers
This conference, hosted by Nagoya Zokei University, is organized in collaboration with the Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies, the University of Alberta, the University of Delaware, Bath Spa University, Seijoh University, DiGRA Japan, and Liege Game Lab. This conference, the 11th collaboratively organized event, focuses broadly on Japanese game culture, education, and industry. It aims to bring together a wide range of researchers and creators from many different countries to present and exchange their work.
The main theme of the conference this year will be “Local Communities, Digital Communities and Video Games in Japan.” With the recent interest in the Metaverse and the continuing popularity of titles with strong social elements, digital games are seen more and more as social platforms in their own rights — virtual meeting spaces for digital communities. At the same time, from department store rooftop amusement parks and pachinko parlours, to living room and portable consoles, the history of gaming in Japan is inextricably tied with the changing social fabric of local communities.
Nagoya Zokei University relocated from a semi-rural suburb of Nagoya to the city centre in April 2022. The new campus is located at the border between touristic and residential zones, and “Local Communities” was chosen as a core concept for the institution. This is reflected not only in the curriculum but also in the architectural design of the campus. In keeping with Nagoya Zokei University’s mission, we hope to make the 2023 edition of Replaying Japan one in which we can reflect on the social dimensions of gameplay in Japan. Proposals that address notions of community are thus encouraged, but other topics are also welcome. We encourage poster/demonstration proposals of games or interactive projects related to these themes.
Submission Guidelines
Important Dates
Abstract registration deadline: March 30th, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: Early May 2023
[Conference Format] The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full Papers and Panels: Each session will be 60 minutes and will have a chair. For Panel sessions, a chair will be one of the panelists.
- If accepted you will be expected to submit a paper (around 2,000 words).
- Poster/Demo session: A 90 minute session will be set aside during the event schedule for poster/demonstration proposals of games or interactive projects. The date and time will be communicated to presenters after the program is finalized.
- Presenters who want to demonstrate innovative work best shown visually rather than submit a written paper should take advantage of our poster/demo session.
- Lightning Talks: At least one 60 minute session will be secured for Lightning Talks for works in progress.
- If you have work in progress that you would like to present we will have a Lightning Talk session. Abstracts can be shorter than 500 words. In the session each Lightning Talk presenter will get 1 minute to talk to a single slide.
All papers must be original. Abstracts must be submitted to as an anonymized abstract (pdf). The abstract should be no more than 500 words. Figures, tables and references do not count toward the word limit.
Please include your name, affiliation, and email address in the email, but not in the submitted abstract. In addition, please add the title of your presentation/demo in the email when submitting. Information for the submission email (only):
- Type of submission (poster/demonstration, lightning talk, paper, or panel):
- Title of submission:
- Name of author(s):
- Affiliation(s):
- Email address(es):
Sessions will be in English, but we will have translation support for presenters who are not comfortable with English.
The Prince Takamado Japan Centre Essay Contest
The Prince Takamado Japan Centre will be awarding two essay prizes (2000 words) to the best student presentations on Japanese games. These will have a value of $500 CAD each.
Contact Information
For more information about Replaying Japan 2023, visit the conference home page ( or write to
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Fanny Barnabé (14 février 2023). Call for Papers: Replaying Japan 2023 – The 11th International Japan Game Studies Conference. LPCM. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse