Parution : Living Metal. Metal Scenes around the World (dir. B. Bardine, J. Stueart)

Bryan Bardine et Jerome Stueart (dir.), Living Metal. Metal Scenes around the World, Intellect Books, 2022. 

This is the first study of its kind, focusing exclusively on scenes throughout the world; it makes an important contribution to metal studies.

Metal Scenes around the World is a collection of thirteen chapters that examine metal scenes from smaller communities like Dayton, Ohio in the USA, to entire countries, such as Estonia. The goal of the book is to expand the research on metal scenes.

This is the only book produced on metal scenes to date, and it will lead the way to more research in this new area of metal studies. The strongest element of the book is its international focus, with chapters from such diverse settings as post-apartheid South Africa, Graz, Nantes, Brazil and Turkey. The chapters are detailed, richly embedded in local histories and contexts, and provide important analyses of their respective scenes.

Foreword from Henkka Seppälä, former bassist with the Finnish metal band Children Of Bodom.

Primary readership will be composed of fans and scholars of metal music, and those in the fields of anthropology, musicology and history. The diversity of the chapters connects metal to other disciplines in the music field and the book is likely to have appeal more widely to anyone who likes music.

Bryan Bardine is associate professor of English at the University of Dayton, where he teaches courses in metal studies, composition, pedagogy, and American and Gothic literature.

Jerome Stueart is assistant professor of English (Creative Writing) at Thomas More University, and is a freelance writer, editor, and artist living in Northern Kentucky. His writing has been nominated for a number of awards, including the World Fantasy Award.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anaïs Goudmand (14 avril 2022). Parution : Living Metal. Metal Scenes around the World (dir. B. Bardine, J. Stueart). LPCM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

Une réflexion sur « Parution : Living Metal. Metal Scenes around the World (dir. B. Bardine, J. Stueart) »

  1. Merci pour le post. Gérôme, sociologue et coauteur avec Sophie Turbé du chapitre sur la scène nantaise et le Hellfest dans l’ouvrage de Bardine et Stueart “Living Metal”. Contrairement à ce qui est écrit, je voulais juste préciser que c’est loin d’être le premier ouvrage sur les scènes metal (cf par exemple – entre autres – le numéro de la revue Volume! “les scènes metal” que j’ai codirigé il y a plus de 15 ans, en 2006 avec mon collègue Fabien Hein

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