Glocal Freak Show: The Astounding Journey of Prof. Bad Trip, Countercultural (Comic-Book) Artist, pp 33- 60
Fabrizio Foni & Irene Incarico
The Rise and Fall of Comics Journalism Magazines and Their Legacy: Experiences of Graphic Storytelling in the USA, Italy, and France, pp 61-86
Carlo Gubitosa
Drawing Brothers: A Transnational Approach to the Graphic Novels of Craig Thompson and Edmond Baudoin, pp 87-108
Justin Wadlow
The Representation of the U.S. Borderlands’ Otherness in Modern Western Comics, pp 109-130
Anna Marta Marini
Contributing to a Global History of Graphic Narratives: The Transfer of Mainstream Comic Books from the U.S. to France, pp 131-154
Pierre-Alexis Delhaye
History, Poetry, and Exile: Antonio Machado and the Spanish Graphic Novel, pp 155-178
David F. Richter
Race Relations in Brazilian Comics of the Old Republic, pp 179-200
Marcia Esteves Agostinho
Will it be possible? Apocalypse and Resistance in Latin American Graphic Novels, pp 201-224
Felipe Gómez
“Respite from the Burdens of Hierarchy” for Comics and for Children: An Expanded Consideration of 1937 British Anthology Comics, pp 225 244
Dona Pursall
Drawing up the Land: The Place of Indigenous Comics in Aotearoa-New Zealand, pp 245-272
Zak Waipara
Interview with Giuseppe Palumbo, pp 273-286
Vittorio Frigerio
Interview with Tom Tirabosco, pp 287-296
Vittorio Frigerio
Abstraction and Comics: Bande dessinée et abstraction, pp 297-302
Vittorio Frigerio
Les Métamorphoses de Spirou, pp 303-308
Vittorio Frigerio
Gébé: Letter to Survivors, pp 309-312
Vittorio Frigerio
The Abominable Mr. Seabrook, pp 313-316
Vittorio Frigerio
Food for Thought: Graphic Essays on Anthropophagy, pp 317-322
Vittorio Frigerio
Comics of the New Europe: Reflections and Intersections, pp 327-331
Vittorio Frigerio
Cham. The Best Comic Strips and Graphic Novelettes, 1839-1862. pp 332-338
Vittorio Frigerio
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante : Nicolas Gauthier (25 octobre 2021). Parution : Paradoxa 32 – “Comics and/or Graphic Novels” LPCM. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse
Association internationale des chercheurs en « Littératures populaires et culture médiatique » / International Research Association in Popular Literature and Media Culture