Parution : Trans-Global Punk Scenes. The Punk Reader Volume 2

Russ Bestley, Mike Dines, Paula Guerra and Alastair Gordon (eds.), Trans-Global Punk Scenes. The Punk Reader Volume 2, Intellect Books, 2021. 

The second offering in Intellect’s Global Punk series, this edited volume is an interdisciplinary exploration of contemporary trans-global punk scenes. 

While the punk scenes and subcultures of the late 1970s and early 1980s are well known and well documented, the proliferation of punk after the year 2000 has been far less studied. Trans-Global Punk Scenes brings together contributors from a range of disciplines to examine the global influence of punk in the new millennium, with a focus on punk demographics, the evolution of subcultural punk styles, and the notion of punk identity across cultural and geographic boundaries.

International in scope and analytical in perspective, the chapters offer insight into the dissemination of punk scenes and their form, structure, and contemporary cultural significance in New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Ireland, South Africa, Mexico, the UK and US, Siberia and the Philippines.

Russ Bestley is a designer and writer, specializing in graphic design, punk and humour. He has co-authored a number of publications, including Action Time Vision: Punk & Post Punk 7” Record Sleeves (2016), The Art of Punk (2012), Visual Research (2004, 2011, 2015) and Up Against the Wall (2002). He has contributed articles to Punk & Post-Punk, Eye, Zed, Emigré, Street Sounds and Vive Le Rock, curated exhibitions in London, Southampton, Blackpool, Leeds, Birmingham and Newcastle, and designed books, posters and other material for the Punk Scholars Network, Active Distribution, PM Press, Viral Age Records and other independent labels and publishers. He is editor of the journal Punk & Post-Punk and leads the Graphic Subcultures Research Hub at the London College of Communication.

Mike Dines is a lecturer of popular music at Middlesex University and cofounder of the Punk Scholars Network.

Paula Guerra is assistant professor of sociology, senior researcher in the Institute of Sociology (ISFLUP) and invited researcher at the Centre for Geography Studies and Territory Planning at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP). She has authored some recent publications, namely, ‘The unstable lightness of rock. Genesis, dynamics and consolidation of alternative rock in Portugal (1980–2010)’. Guerra is currently the chief investigator of the ‘Keep it Simple, Make it Fast! Prolegomena and punk scenes, a way for Portuguese contemporaneity (1977–2012)’, an international and interdisciplinary project about the Portuguese punk scene funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CS-SOC/118830/2010) and a researcher in other projects. URL:

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