Parution : The Traumatic Screen

Stuart Joy, The Traumatic Screen. The Films of Christopher Nolan, Intellect, 2020. 

The Traumatic Screen is a psychoanalytic study that considers the function and presentation of trauma in Christopher Nolan’s films. Using a methodological framework with references to Freud and Lacan, the author argues that Nolan’s films highlight the ways in which the cinema can provide specific insights into the nature of human consciousness.

Stuart Joy is a senior lecturer in film and television at Solent University in Southampton, UK. His research interests include contemporary film theory and practice, media and cultural theory, film history and gender representation in film and television.

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Anaïs Goudmand (3 novembre 2020). Parution : The Traumatic Screen. LPCM. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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