Christos Dermentzopoulos (Université de Ioannina, Grèce)

Dr Christos Dermentzopoulos studied Sociology in Greece (1982-1986), and History, Anthropology and Cinema in France (1986-1989: MA in History, University of Paris 1, Pantheon – Sorbonne and Anthropology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales, Paris).

Ph.D in Sociology, Section: Aspects of the new greek social life, Panteion University of Athens. Thesis: The popular novel (pulp fiction) on banditry in Greece. Representations, ideology and mentality

He teaches Anthropology of Art and History/Theory of Cinema in the Department of Fine Arts and Sciences of Art at the University of Ioannina as well as Cultural Management in the Greek Open University. He is the writer of the book The bandit novel in Greece. Myths, Representations, Ideology (Plethron Editions, 1997) and co-editor of the volumes: Anthropology, Culture and Policy (with M. Spyridakis, Metaihmio Editions, 2004) and Aspects of Popular Culture (with V. Nitsiakos, Plethron Editions, 2007). His research interests concern visual and popular culture.

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