Colloque : Le 68 des enfants

Colloque “1968 and the boundaries of childhood

Organisé par Sophie Heywood

12, 13 et 14 octobre 2017 à Tours (Bibliothèque Municipale).

Le colloque est accompagné d’une exposition à la BM de Tours, intitulée Libérons les enfants!, qui présente une sélection de livres pour enfants anglo-saxons et français des années 1970.

Image reproduced with the kind permission of Etienne Delessert

Day 1: Thursday 12thOctober


1.30-2.45pm coffee and registration


2.45pm ‘The Children’s ‘68’: Introduction to the project  


Theme 1: Children’s rights and children’s culture


  • Lucy Pearson, Newcastle University, UK

‘The Right to Read: Children’s Rights and Children’s Publishing in Britain’

  • Mathew Thomson, University of Warwick, UK

‘Rights, Limits and the Landscape of the Child in ‘70s Britain’

  • Olle Widhe, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

‘Radical children’s literature and children’s rights in Sweden around ’68’

Discussant: Helle Strandgaard Jensen


6:30-8pm Public lecture (in French)

Sophie Heywood & Cécile Boulaire: ‘Le ’68 des enfants’


 Day 2: Friday 13th October



  • CMER (Cellule Mutualisée Europe Recherche)

Presentation of funding opportunities in the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Theme 3: New ideas of the family and gender


  • Nelly Chabrol-Gagne, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France

‘A militant aesthetic: a reading of Martine petite maman (1968), Histoire de Julie qui avait une ombre de garçon (1976), Salut poupée (1978), Mes années 70 (2008)’

  • Tour of exhibition on DIY feminist children’s books and talk by artist Andrea Francke of ‘Invisible Spaces of Parenthood’, London UK

10.45am-11am Coffee


 Theme 4: Avant-gardes and aesthetic experimentation


  • Anna Antoniazzi, University of Genoa, Italy

‘Cultural revolution in Italian children’s literature’

  • Anita Wincencjusz, Akademy Szuk Piekynch, Wroclaw, Poland

‘Children’s book design and illustration in Poland, c. 1968’

Discussant: Cécile Boulaire


12.15pm-2pm Lunch


Theme 5: Utopias and transforming society


  • Loïc Boyer, Graphic designer and editor of Cligne Cligne magazine and series (Didier jeunesse), Orléans, France

‘Designing spaces for the child in France by the early ’70s: what CRÉE means’

  • Jonathan Bignell, University of Reading, UK

‘Children of the World on British television: the 1968 of 1971’

Discussant: Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer


3.30pm-3.45pm Coffee


Theme 5: Counter-culture, hippyism and anti-authoritarianism


  • Kim Reynolds, Newcastle University, UK

‘One, two, three what are we fighting for? The long view of antiwar writing for children’

  • Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, University of Tübingen, Germany

‘Political indoctrination and anti-authoritarian ideas: leftist picturebooks in Germany after 1968’

  • David Buckingham, Loughborough University/Kings College London, UK

‘Children of the revolution? The British hippie counter-culture and the idea of childhood’

  • Sophie Heywood, University of Reading, UK/ University of Tours, France

‘Explosive tales for children: Harlin Quist Books and the May ’68 of French children’s picturebooks’

Discussant: Lucy Pearson


Evening: Social Dinner


Day 3: Saturday 14th October


Theme 6: Defining ‘radical’ children’s culture c. 1968


  • Helle Strandgaard Jensen, University of Århus, Denmark

‘Nordic children’s television around 1968 – progressive or radical?’

  • Cécile Boulaire, University of Tours, France

Okapi, a ‘fantastinouï’ magazine for teenagers in the spirit of ‘68’

  • Birgitte Beck Pristed, University of Århus, Denmark

‘Revolution Elsewhere: Soviet Conformist and Non-Conformist Children’s Books of the 1960s and 1970s’

Discussant: Lucy Pearson


11:15-11:30am Coffee


 11.30am-12.45pm Round Table: Breaking boundaries?

Alex Thorp, Education curator, Serpentine Gallery London, UK

Viviane Ezratty, Conservatrice générale et directrice de la médiathèque Françoise Sagan à Paris

Isabelle Nières-Chevrel, University of Rennes II


Daniel Gordon, Edge Hill University, UK: observations from a historian of ’68

Sophie Heywood: closing remarks

To register for this event: enf

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Besson (11 septembre 2017). Colloque : Le 68 des enfants. LPCM. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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