Colloque international
“Tracing Types. Comparative Analyses of Nineteenth-Century Sketches”
Université de Gand, Belgique, 3 et 4 juin 2016
Informations pratiques et programme sur le site:
A new wave of scholarship has emerged in recent years, which examines nineteenth-century sketches (sometimes referred to as ‘panoramic literature’) from a transnational perspective.The present international conference seeks to continue this comparative reflection by placing the spotlight on the comparative analysis of texts and images of specific types and by tracing how these representations vary across sketches from different places, media and editorial contexts.
- How do the representations and definitions of a type (or group of related types) vary from one national context to another?
- How do different collections, periodicals or editorial contexts inflect a type in different ways?
- How do visual representations of a type differ from one another or from literary representations of the same figure?
- How does the type transform as it is taken up in other genres, registers or types of discourse?
- Does the type exist in a system? Does it belong to a collection or series of types and if so, how does it relate to or interact with other types in the system? How do different collections position the type within their systems?
Programme détaillé:
June 3
09:30-10:00 Coffee and welcome
10:00-11:15 Session 1, Panoramic Literature and Other Discourses
Chair: Elizabeth Amann (Ghent University)
- Thijs Dekeukeleire (Ghent University): The type of the male artist’s model in panoramic literature
- Jorge Chen Sham (Universidad de Costa Rica): Du médecin charlatan et la gestation du type social: El Periquillo Sarniento et les articles de moeurs
- Leonoor Kuijk (Ghent University): The type of the prisoner in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes and other national self-portraits
11:15-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:50 Session 2, Functions of Panoramic Literature
Chair: Leonoor Kuijk (Ghent University)
- Felipe Martínez-Pinzón (Brown University): Panoramic Literature, Inner Frontiers and War in 19th Latin American
- Sarah Dellmann (Utrecht University, NL): The Emergence of National Types in Word and Image: “The Dutch” in Popular Visual Media of the Nineteenth Century
- Nikol Dziub (Université de Haute-Alsace): Les Types andalous à l’époque romantique : du sketch pittoresque à l’autoportrait culturel
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:40-15:55 Session 3, Types in/on Different Media
Chair: María José González Dávila (Ghent University)
- Mey-Yen Moriuchi (La Salle University): Grisette, Maja, Manola, China: Tracing Representations
- Dorde Cuvardic García (Universidad de Costa Rica): The typesetter in costumbrist Latin American and Spanish literature and visual culture: the survival of a manual trade in the printing mechanization era
- Candela Marini (Duke University, NC, USA): The Indian Revenant: Images of the indigenous in the Argentine nation-building process.
15:55-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:30 Session 4, Types in the Periodical Press
Chair: Marianne Van Remoortel (Ghent University)
- Marieta Cantos Casenave (Universidad de Cádiz): Outsiders and yokels in Spanish Romanticism Literature
- Andrea Castro (University of Gothenburg): The foreigner and the immigrant as types in El Correo del Domingo 1864-1867
- Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik (University of Bergen, Norway): Sketches for a decentered world: cuadro de costumbres in El museo mexicano (1843-1845)
17:30 Conference Reception
June 4
10:00-11:15 Session 5, High and Low
Chair: Nathalie Preiss (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
- Amélie de Chaisemartin (Sorbonne-Paris IV) : Du roman aux physiologies : la circulation du type littéraire romantique en France sous la Monarchie de Juillet
- Chris Ippolito (Georgia Institute of Technology): La fonction du type du commis et quelques autres types chez Flaubert
- Cordula Reichart (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich): Les ‘archives précieuses de la vie civilisée’ ou la technique de description des types de Balzac à Proust
11:15-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:30 Session 6, Text and Image
Chair: Valérie Stiénon (Université Paris XIII)
- Olga Kazakova (Orel State University, Russia): Les illustrations des fables en Russie dans le deuxième tiers du XIXe siècle: à la recherche de types sociaux
- Christopher J. Lukasik (Purdue University): The Consuming Type: David Hunter Strother, Race, and The Rise of Mass Visual Culture
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:25 Session 7, Forms of Knowledge
Chair: Elizabeth Amann (Ghent University)
- Ana Peñas Ruiz (Madrid Open University): Tracing Types, Tracing Panoramic structures: the case of Spanish Microphysiologies
- Christiane Schwab (Humboldt-University, Berlin): Tracing Types: Proto-sociological Activity and Method of Social Representation
14:30-15:30 Concluding discussion
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Besson (23 mai 2016). Colloque : “Tracing Types”, 3-4 juin 2016. LPCM. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse